Content of issue 02-03, volume 19, 2006
Topical issue. Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers AMPL-05
Chebotaryov G. D., Prudakov O. O., Latush E. L. Study of contraction and decontraction processes in the active media of a recombination He-Sr+ laser. P. 99-105PDF
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Chebotaryov G. D., Prudakov O. O., Latush E. L. Study of contraction and decontraction processes in the active media of a recombination He-Sr+ laser . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 99-105.
Copy the reference to clipboardVybornov P. V., Tatur V. V. Microcontrollable bipolar semiconductor power supply for CuBr laser. P. 106-107PDF
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Vybornov P. V., Tatur V. V. Microcontrollable bipolar semiconductor power supply for CuBr laser . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 106-107.
Copy the reference to clipboardOsipov V. V., Lisenkov V. V., Gavrilov N. V., Bureev O. A., Sheetov V. A., Malyshkin A. A. Research of radiation characteristics of high-power CO2-laser with the controlled pumping pulse. P. 108-113PDF
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Osipov V. V., Lisenkov V. V., Gavrilov N. V., Bureev O. A., Sheetov V. A., Malyshkin A. A. Research of radiation characteristics of high-power CO2-laser with the controlled pumping pulse . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 108-113.
Copy the reference to clipboardSvetlichnyi V. A., Kopylova T. N. Generation of DCM substitutes under two-photon excitation with a nanosecond-duration radiation of a Nd-YAG laser. P. 114-116PDF
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Svetlichnyi V. A., Kopylova T. N. Generation of DCM substitutes under two-photon excitation with a nanosecond-duration radiation of a Nd-YAG laser . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 114-116.
Copy the reference to clipboardSvetlichnyi V. A., Izaak T. I., Kopylova T. N., Maier G. V. Limiting the laser output power by inorganic nanoparticles. P. 117-120PDF
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Svetlichnyi V. A., Izaak T. I., Kopylova T. N., Maier G. V. Limiting the laser output power by inorganic nanoparticles . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 117-120.
Copy the reference to clipboardSadykov N. R., Sadykova M. O., Afanasyev A. N., Kundikova N. D. Polarization effects in lenses. P. 121-125PDF
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Sadykov N. R., Sadykova M. O., Afanasyev A. N., Kundikova N. D. Polarization effects in lenses . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 121-125.
Copy the reference to clipboardYudin N. A. Effect of the prepulse plasma properties on the frequency and power characteristics of a Сu-vapor laser. P. 126-131PDF
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Yudin N. A. Effect of the prepulse plasma properties on the frequency and power characteristics of a Сu-vapor laser . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 126-131.
Copy the reference to clipboardSemenov V. I., Sorokina T. G., Sorokin G. M. Study of the spectra of electrons emitted by xenon atoms. P. 132-134PDF
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Semenov V. I., Sorokina T. G., Sorokin G. M. Study of the spectra of electrons emitted by xenon atoms . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 132-134.
Copy the reference to clipboardAtuchin V. V., Pokrovsky L. D. Structure and chemical properties of optical surfaces of LiB3O5, β-BaB2O4, and CsB3O5 crystals. P. 135-138PDF
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Atuchin V. V., Pokrovsky L. D. Structure and chemical properties of optical surfaces of LiB3O5, β-BaB2O4, and CsB3O5 crystals . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 135-138.
Copy the reference to clipboardKostyrya I. D., Zimakov V. P. Discharge stabilization in UV nitrogen laser pumped by longitudinal discharge. P. 139-142PDF
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Kostyrya I. D., Zimakov V. P. Discharge stabilization in UV nitrogen laser pumped by longitudinal discharge . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 139-142.
Copy the reference to clipboardAvdeev S. M., Sosnin E. A., Zimakov V. P. Formation of short emission pulses in XeBr excilamps with the barrier discharge excitation. P. 143-146PDF
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Avdeev S. M., Sosnin E. A., Zimakov V. P. Formation of short emission pulses in XeBr excilamps with the barrier discharge excitation . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 143-146.
Copy the reference to clipboardGeiko P. P., Kotsubinskaya E. P. New biaxial mixed crystals for frequency conversion of femtosecond pulses. P. 147-151PDF
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Geiko P. P., Kotsubinskaya E. P. New biaxial mixed crystals for frequency conversion of femtosecond pulses . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 147-151.
Copy the reference to clipboardSoldatov A. N., Vasil'eva A. V., Ermolaev A. P., Polunin Yu. P., Sidorov I. V., Filonov A. G. Research laser system for resonance ablation of materials. P. 152-157PDF
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Soldatov A. N., Vasil'eva A. V., Ermolaev A. P., Polunin Yu. P., Sidorov I. V., Filonov A. G. Research laser system for resonance ablation of materials . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 152-157.
Copy the reference to clipboardPanchenko A. N., Zimakov V. P., Tel'minov A. E. West-Siberian Branch of Russian State University for Innovation Technologies and Business. P. 158-161PDF
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Panchenko A. N., Zimakov V. P., Tel'minov A. E. West-Siberian Branch of Russian State University for Innovation Technologies and Business . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 158-161.
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Lanskii G. V. Algorithms for estimating the phase-matching angular width . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 162-163.
Copy the reference to clipboardHuang J., Andreev Yu. M., Lanskii G. V. Algorithm for estimation of permissible mixing ratio variations of solid solutions of nonlinear crystals. P. 164-168PDF
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Huang J., Andreev Yu. M., Lanskii G. V. Algorithm for estimation of permissible mixing ratio variations of solid solutions of nonlinear crystals . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 164-168.
Copy the reference to clipboardIvanov N. G., Konovalov I. N., Losev V. F., Panchenko Yu. N. X-ray radiation source for discharge preionization in gas lasers. P. 169-172PDF
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Ivanov N. G., Konovalov I. N., Losev V. F., Panchenko Yu. N. X-ray radiation source for discharge preionization in gas lasers . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 169-172.
Copy the reference to clipboardLosev V. F., Koval'chuk B. M., Zimakov V. P., Panchenko Yu. N., Ivanov N. G., Konovalov I. N., Abdullin E. N., Panchenko A. N., Zorin V. B., Skakun V. S., Gubanov V. P., Stepchenko A. S., Tolkachev V. S. High-power excimer laser system. P. 173-178PDF
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Losev V. F., Koval'chuk B. M., Zimakov V. P., Panchenko Yu. N., Ivanov N. G., Konovalov I. N., Abdullin E. N., Panchenko A. N., Zorin V. B., Skakun V. S., Gubanov V. P., Stepchenko A. S., Tolkachev V. S. High-power excimer laser system . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 173-178.
Copy the reference to clipboardAvrorov P. A., Klimkin A. V., Maltsev V. P., Semyanov K. A., Tarasov P. A. Determination of size parameters of isolated microparticles from data on the scattering phase function. P. 179-182PDF
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Avrorov P. A., Klimkin A. V., Maltsev V. P., Semyanov K. A., Tarasov P. A. Determination of size parameters of isolated microparticles from data on the scattering phase function . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 179-182.
Copy the reference to clipboardAbramov D. V., Arakelyan S. M., Klimovskii I. I., Kucherik A. O., Prokoshev V. G. Method and results of reconstruction of the surface relief evolving under the action of laser radiation. P. 183-186PDF
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Abramov D. V., Arakelyan S. M., Klimovskii I. I., Kucherik A. O., Prokoshev V. G. Method and results of reconstruction of the surface relief evolving under the action of laser radiation . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 183-186.
Copy the reference to clipboardGoldort V. G., Gordov E. P., Ishchenko V. N., Kovalev A. A., Makogon M. M. Dual-wavelength cw СО2-laser system for a parametric autodyne lidar. P. 187-188PDF
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Goldort V. G., Gordov E. P., Ishchenko V. N., Kovalev A. A., Makogon M. M. Dual-wavelength cw СО2-laser system for a parametric autodyne lidar . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 187-188.
Copy the reference to clipboardFateyeva N. L., Klimkin A. V., Bender O. V., Zotikova A. P., Yamburov M. S. Analysis of laser-induced fluorescence in wood plants under nitrogen soil pollution. P. 189-192PDF
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Fateyeva N. L., Klimkin A. V., Bender O. V., Zotikova A. P., Yamburov M. S. Analysis of laser-induced fluorescence in wood plants under nitrogen soil pollution . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 189-192.
Copy the reference to clipboardKosarev N. I., Shaparev N. Ya. Ionization-induced gas transparency at the resonant laser action. P. 193-197PDF
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Kosarev N. I., Shaparev N. Ya. Ionization-induced gas transparency at the resonant laser action . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 193-197.
Copy the reference to clipboardShiyanov D. V., Evtushenko G. S., Sukhanov V. B. The influence of input power scaling on characteristics of CuBr+Ne and CuBr+Ne+H2 lasers. P. 198-200PDF
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Shiyanov D. V., Evtushenko G. S., Sukhanov V. B. The influence of input power scaling on characteristics of CuBr+Ne and CuBr+Ne+H2 lasers . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 198-200.
Copy the reference to clipboardSoldatov A. N., Filonov A. G., Vasil'eva A. V. An experimental investigation of a high PRR strontium-vapor laser. P. 201-203PDF
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Soldatov A. N., Filonov A. G., Vasil'eva A. V. An experimental investigation of a high PRR strontium-vapor laser . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 201-203.
Copy the reference to clipboardEroshina S. A., Ibraev N. Kh., Ishchenko A. A. Investigation of photophysical processes in biscyanine dyes. P. 204-207PDF
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Eroshina S. A., Ibraev N. Kh., Ishchenko A. A. Investigation of photophysical processes in biscyanine dyes . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 204-207.
Copy the reference to clipboardUshakov I. V. Influence of macroscopic cracks on optical strength of solid transparent dielectrics. P. 208-213PDF
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Ushakov I. V. Influence of macroscopic cracks on optical strength of solid transparent dielectrics . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 208-213.
Copy the reference to clipboardDenisov P. E., Izmailov I. V., Poizner B. N. Modulator of laser radiation based on nonlinear ring interferometer: model and analysis of characteristics. P. 214-219PDF
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Denisov P. E., Izmailov I. V., Poizner B. N. Modulator of laser radiation based on nonlinear ring interferometer: model and analysis of characteristics . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 214-219.
Copy the reference to clipboardSokolova I. V., Tchaikovskaya O. N. Fluorescence and photochemical properties of humic acids. P. 220-222PDF
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Sokolova I. V., Tchaikovskaya O. N. Fluorescence and photochemical properties of humic acids . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 220-222.
Copy the reference to clipboardSadykova M. O., Sadykov N. R., Parshukov I. E., Afanasyev A. N. Derivation of the system of evolutionary equations for optical bundles. P. 223-228PDF
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Sadykova M. O., Sadykov N. R., Parshukov I. E., Afanasyev A. N. Derivation of the system of evolutionary equations for optical bundles . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 223-228.
Copy the reference to clipboardKlimkin V. M., Sokovikov V. G. Laser effects at resonant optical excitation of aluminum vapor. P. 229-231PDF
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Klimkin V. M., Sokovikov V. G. Laser effects at resonant optical excitation of aluminum vapor . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 229-231.
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Kukharev V. N. Injection emission from volume-charged electrodes . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 232-236.
Copy the reference to clipboard. P. 263-266