Content of issue 01, volume 26, 2013
Bibliographic reference
Banakh V. A., Gerasimova L. O. Propagation of broadband pulsed optical beams . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 01. P. 5-10 [in Russian].
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Geints Yu. E., Zemlyanov A. A. Filamentation of high-power ulta-short laser radiation. Size factor of light beam . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 01. P. 11-17 [in Russian].
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Geints Yu.E. and Zemlyanov A.A. Filamentation of High-Power Ultrashort Laser Radiation: Size Factor of a Light Beam. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2013, V. 26. No. 05. pp. 357–363.
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Bibliographic reference
Klimeshina T. E., Rodimova O. B. Line shape variations from band to band for Н2О and СО2 . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 01. P. 18-23 [in Russian].
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Аntokhin P. N., Arshinov M. Yu., Arshinova V. G., Belan B. D., Davydov D. K., Rasskazchikova T. M., Fofonov A. V., Inoue Gen., Machida Toshinobu., Shimoyama Ko., Maksutov Shamil. Shamil. СО2 concentration variation above the West Siberia area in different seasons during passes of atmospheric fronts . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 01. P. 24-31 [in Russian].
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Konstantinov O. G., Pavlov A. N. Complex monitoring of sea areas state by optical methods. Part 3. The dynamic processes registration by slics on the sea surface . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 01. P. 32-39 [in Russian].
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Konstantinov O.G. and Pavlov A.N. Complex Monitoring of the State of Sea Water Basins by Optical Methods. Part 3. Recording of Dynamic Processes by Slicks on the Sea Surface. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2013, V. 26. No. 04. pp. 300–307.
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Kulchin Yu. N., Voznesenskii S. S., Gamayunov E. L., Korotenko A. A., Popik A. Yu., Maior A. Yu. Complex monitoring of sea areas by optical methods. Part 4. Fiber optics system for measurements of the phytoplankton concentration . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 01. P. 40-45 [in Russian].
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Kul’chin Yu.N., Voznesenskii S.S., Gamayunov E.L., Korotenko A.A., Popik A.Yu., and Mayor A.Yu. Complex Monitoring of the State of Sea Water Basins by Optical Methods: Part 4. Fiber Optic System for Measurements of the Phytoplankton Concentration. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2013, V. 26. No. 05. pp. 432–437.
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Bibliographic reference
Rokotyan N. V., Zakharov V. I., Gribanov K. G., Jouzel J., Warneke T., Notholt J. The possibility of atmospheric remote sensing of carbon gases isotopologues using ground-based high-resolution FTIRs . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 01. P. 46-51 [in Russian].
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Razenkov I. A. Aerosol lidar for continuous atmospheric measurements . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 01. P. 52-63 [in Russian].
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Razenkov I.A. Aerosol Lidar for Continuous Atmospheric Monitoring. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2013, V. 26. No. 04. pp. 308–319.
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Konoshonkin A. V., Borovoy A. G. Specular scattering of light by cloud's ice crystals and wavy water surfaces . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 01. P. 64-69 [in Russian].
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Konoshonkin A.V., and Borovoi A.G. Specular Scattering of Light on Cloud Ice Crystals and Wavy Water Surface. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2013, V. 26. No. 05. pp. 438–443.
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Bibliographic reference
Bobrovnikov S. M., Gorlov E. V., Zharkov V. I. Experimental estimation of the sensitivity of the UV Raman lidar . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 01. P. 70-74 [in Russian].
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Bobrovnikov S.M., Gorlov E.V., and Zharkov V.I. Experimental Estimation of Raman Lidar Sensitivity in the Middle UV. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2013, V. 26. No. 04. pp. 320–325.
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Bibliographic reference
Leonovich L. A., Mikhalev A. V., Tashchcilin A. V., Rahmatulin R. A., Leonovich V. A., Pashinin A. Yu. The response of mid-latitude upper atmospheric parameters to January 21, 2005 geomagnetic storm as deduced from optical, magnetic and radio-physical measurements . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 01. P. 75-80 [in Russian].
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Ishmatov A. N., Akhmadeev I. R. Application of the low-angle laser light scattering method for studying the pulse liquid atomization . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 01. P. 81-84 [in Russian].
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Ishmatov A.N. and Akhmadeev I.R. The Low-Angle Laser Light Scattering Method in the Study of Pulse Liquid Atomization. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2013, V. 26. No. 05. pp. 444–448.
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Bibliographic reference
Rybka D. V., Andronikov I. V., Evtushenko G. S., Kozyrev A. V., Kozhevnikov V. Yu., Kostyrya I. D., Tarasenko V. F., Trigub M. V., Shut'ko Yu. V. Corona discharge in air at atmospheric pressure under modulated voltage pulse with a duration of 10 ms . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 01. P. 85-90 [in Russian].
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Rybka D.V., Andronikov I.V., Evtushenko G.S., Kozyrev A.V., Kozhevnikov V.Yu., Kostyrya I.D., Tarasenko V.F., Trigub M.V., and Shut’ko Yu.V. Corona Discharge in Atmospheric Pressure Air under a Modulated Voltage Pulse of 10 ms. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2013, V. 26. No. 05. pp. 449–454.
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