Content of issue 09, volume 13, 2000
Banakh V. A., Werner Ch., Smalikho I. N. Effect of turbulent fluctuations of refractive index on the time spectrum of wind velocity measured by Doppler lidar. P. 741-746PDF
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Banakh V. A., Werner Ch., Smalikho I. N. Effect of turbulent fluctuations of refractive index on the time spectrum of wind velocity measured by Doppler lidar . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 741-746.
Copy the reference to clipboardIzmailov I. V., Magazinnikov A. L., Poizner B. N. Identification of spiral dislocation of wave front and compensation for its influence on formation of optical structures in ring interferometer. P. 747-753PDF
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Izmailov I. V., Magazinnikov A. L., Poizner B. N. Identification of spiral dislocation of wave front and compensation for its influence on formation of optical structures in ring interferometer . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 747-753.
Copy the reference to clipboardSakerin S. M., Rakhimov R. F., Makienko E. V., Kabanov D. M. Interpretation of the anomalous spectral dependence of the aerosol optical depth of the atmosphere. Part 1. Formal analysis of situation. P. 754-758PDF
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Sakerin S. M., Rakhimov R. F., Makienko E. V., Kabanov D. M. Interpretation of the anomalous spectral dependence of the aerosol optical depth of the atmosphere. Part 1. Formal analysis of situation . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 754-758.
Copy the reference to clipboardRakhimov R. F., Sakerin S. M., Makienko E. V., Kabanov D. M. Interpretation of the anomalous spectral dependence of the aerosol optical depth of the atmosphere. Part 2. Peculiarities of the aerosol dispersion structure. P. 759-765PDF
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Rakhimov R. F., Sakerin S. M., Makienko E. V., Kabanov D. M. Interpretation of the anomalous spectral dependence of the aerosol optical depth of the atmosphere. Part 2. Peculiarities of the aerosol dispersion structure . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 759-765.
Copy the reference to clipboardBelan B. D., Sklyadneva T. K., Tolmachev G. N. Results of ten-year monitoring of surface ozone near Tomsk. P. 766-772PDF
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Belan B. D., Sklyadneva T. K., Tolmachev G. N. Results of ten-year monitoring of surface ozone near Tomsk . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 766-772.
Copy the reference to clipboardDyomin V. V., Stepanov S. G. Study of orientation characteristics of model crystalline aerosols by holographic method. P. 773-776PDF
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Dyomin V. V., Stepanov S. G. Study of orientation characteristics of model crystalline aerosols by holographic method . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 773-776.
Copy the reference to clipboardZemlyanov A. A., Geints Yu. E., Pal'chikov A. V. Dynamic light scattering at induced oscillations of particles of polydisperse liquid-droplet aerosol as applied to determination of aerosol particle size spectrum. P. 777-781PDF
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Zemlyanov A. A., Geints Yu. E., Pal'chikov A. V. Dynamic light scattering at induced oscillations of particles of polydisperse liquid-droplet aerosol as applied to determination of aerosol particle size spectrum . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 777-781.
Copy the reference to clipboardAleshin I. V., Vitsinsky S. A., Zhurenkov A. G., Lovchy I. L., Matveev V. Yu., Yakovlev V. A. Reconstruction of integral ecological characteristics of the marine environment from results of multispectral optical sounding. P. 782-786PDF
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Aleshin I. V., Vitsinsky S. A., Zhurenkov A. G., Lovchy I. L., Matveev V. Yu., Yakovlev V. A. Reconstruction of integral ecological characteristics of the marine environment from results of multispectral optical sounding . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 782-786.
Copy the reference to clipboardBukin O. A., Permyakov M. S., Pavlov A. N., Maior A. Yu., Maleenok A. V., Tarkhova T. I., Skorokhod G. V., Akmaikin D. A. Use of passive-active optical sensing techniques for measuring structural peculiarities of bio-optical characteristics distribution in the upper ocean layer. P. 787-790PDF
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Bukin O. A., Permyakov M. S., Pavlov A. N., Maior A. Yu., Maleenok A. V., Tarkhova T. I., Skorokhod G. V., Akmaikin D. A. Use of passive-active optical sensing techniques for measuring structural peculiarities of bio-optical characteristics distribution in the upper ocean layer . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 787-790.
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Zamoyskii A. E., Soldatov A. N. Remote luminescent analysis of plants . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 791-793.
Copy the reference to clipboardRomashov D. N., Kaul B. V., Samokhvalov I. V. Data bank for interpreting results of polarization sensing of crystalline clouds. P. 794-800PDF
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Romashov D. N., Kaul B. V., Samokhvalov I. V. Data bank for interpreting results of polarization sensing of crystalline clouds . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 794-800.
Copy the reference to clipboardErofeev M. V., Sosnin E. A., Zimakov V. P., Shitz D. V. Efficient XeBr excilamp excited by capacitive discharge. P. 801-803PDF
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Erofeev M. V., Sosnin E. A., Zimakov V. P., Shitz D. V. Efficient XeBr excilamp excited by capacitive discharge . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 801-803.
Copy the reference to clipboardArguchintseva A. V. Simulation of surface accumulation of anthropogenic polydisperse aerosol. P. 804-809PDF
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Arguchintseva A. V. Simulation of surface accumulation of anthropogenic polydisperse aerosol . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 804-809.
Copy the reference to clipboardKurbatskaya L. I. Two-parameter model of turbulent transport of admixtures from a line source in the atmospheric surface layer. P. 810-813PDF
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Kurbatskaya L. I. Two-parameter model of turbulent transport of admixtures from a line source in the atmospheric surface layer . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 810-813.
Copy the reference to clipboardSarmanaev S. P., Desyatkov B. M., Borodulin A. I., Kotlyarova S. S. Determination of parameters of a multi-point source of aerosol pollution by solving inverse problem. P. 814-817PDF
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Sarmanaev S. P., Desyatkov B. M., Borodulin A. I., Kotlyarova S. S. Determination of parameters of a multi-point source of aerosol pollution by solving inverse problem . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 814-817.
Copy the reference to clipboardMal'bakhov V. M., Shlychkov V. A. Influence of mesoscale vortices on vertical transport of impurities in the atmosphere. P. 818-820PDF
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Mal'bakhov V. M., Shlychkov V. A. Influence of mesoscale vortices on vertical transport of impurities in the atmosphere . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 818-820.
Copy the reference to clipboardGolovko V. V., Kutsenogii K. P., Kirov E. I., Trubina L. K., Guk A. P. Use of photogrammetry in determination of pollen characteristics. P. 821-824PDF
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Golovko V. V., Kutsenogii K. P., Kirov E. I., Trubina L. K., Guk A. P. Use of photogrammetry in determination of pollen characteristics . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 821-824.
Copy the reference to clipboardRaputa V. F., Sadovskii A. P., Ol'kin S. E., Reznikova I. K. Study of aerosol fallout of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons near the Novosibirsk electrode-producing plant. P. 825-828PDF
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Raputa V. F., Sadovskii A. P., Ol'kin S. E., Reznikova I. K. Study of aerosol fallout of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons near the Novosibirsk electrode-producing plant . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 825-828.
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