Content of issue 11, volume 21, 2008
Tvorogov S. D., Rodimova O. B. Calculation of transmission functions at small pressures. P. 797-803PDF
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Tvorogov S. D., Rodimova O. B. Calculation of transmission functions at small pressures . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 11. P. 797-803.
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Burnashov A. V., Borovoy A. G. Light scattering by horizontally oriented columns . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 11. P. 804-811.
Copy the reference to clipboardGeints Yu. E., Zemlyanov A. A., Panina E. K. Peculiarities of formation of the transparent spherical particle optical field under irradiation by an ultrashort amplitude-modulated spatially-limited laser beam. P. 812-820PDF
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Geints Yu. E., Zemlyanov A. A., Panina E. K. Peculiarities of formation of the transparent spherical particle optical field under irradiation by an ultrashort amplitude-modulated spatially-limited laser beam . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 11. P. 812-820.
Copy the reference to clipboardAponasenko A. D. Spectral analysis of the natural organic matter adsorbed on particles of different size fractions. P. 821-824PDF
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Aponasenko A. D. Spectral analysis of the natural organic matter adsorbed on particles of different size fractions . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 11. P. 821-824.
Copy the reference to clipboardZuev V. V., Bazhenov O. E., Burlakov V. D., Grishaev M. V., Dolgii S. I., Nevzorov A. V. On the effect of volcanic aerosol on variations of stratospheric ozone and NO2 according to measurements at the Siberian Lidar Station. P. 825-831PDF
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Zuev V. V., Bazhenov O. E., Burlakov V. D., Grishaev M. V., Dolgii S. I., Nevzorov A. V. On the effect of volcanic aerosol on variations of stratospheric ozone and NO2 according to measurements at the Siberian Lidar Station . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 11. P. 825-831.
Copy the reference to clipboardKomarov V. S., Lavrinenko A. V., Budaev V. V., Gorev E. V. Numerical retrieval of temperature and wind fields in the meso-β-scale area on the base of the dynamic-stochastic approach. P. 832-835PDF
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Komarov V. S., Lavrinenko A. V., Budaev V. V., Gorev E. V. Numerical retrieval of temperature and wind fields in the meso-β-scale area on the base of the dynamic-stochastic approach . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 11. P. 832-835.
Copy the reference to clipboardLavrent'ev N. A., Privezentsev A. I., Fazliev A. Z. Informational system for the solution of molecular spectroscopy problems. 4. Transitions in molecules of C2v and Cs symmetry. P. 836-841PDF
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Lavrent'ev N. A., Privezentsev A. I., Fazliev A. Z. Informational system for the solution of molecular spectroscopy problems. 4. Transitions in molecules of C2v and Cs symmetry . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 11. P. 836-841.
Copy the reference to clipboardZhukova O. M., Kabashnikov V. P., Kozeruk B. B., Kuz'min V. N., Metelskaya N. S., Chaykovskii A. P. Localization of sulfur dioxide and sulfate sources using back trajectory analysis and data of local monitoring. P. 842-847PDF
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Zhukova O. M., Kabashnikov V. P., Kozeruk B. B., Kuz'min V. N., Metelskaya N. S., Chaykovskii A. P. Localization of sulfur dioxide and sulfate sources using back trajectory analysis and data of local monitoring . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 11. P. 842-847.
Copy the reference to clipboardKopeikin V. M. Observation of the submicron aerosol content in the atmosphere over Russia in the TROICA international experiments. P. 848-853PDF
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Kopeikin V. M. Observation of the submicron aerosol content in the atmosphere over Russia in the TROICA international experiments . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 11. P. 848-853.
Copy the reference to clipboardSmalikho I. N., Rahm S. Measurements of aircraft wake vortex parameters with a coherent Doppler lidar. P. 854-868PDF
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Smalikho I. N., Rahm S. Measurements of aircraft wake vortex parameters with a coherent Doppler lidar . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 11. P. 854-868.
Copy the reference to clipboardBobrovnikov S. M., Geiko P. P., Popov I. S. The possibilities of remote sensing of chemical warfare agents with a СО2 lidar by differential absorption method. P. 869-872PDF
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Bobrovnikov S. M., Geiko P. P., Popov I. S. The possibilities of remote sensing of chemical warfare agents with a СО2 lidar by differential absorption method . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 11. P. 869-872.
Copy the reference to clipboardBezuglov D. A., Sakharov I. A., Reshetnikova I. V. Optimization method of the phase front gauge topology. P. 873-877PDF
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Bezuglov D. A., Sakharov I. A., Reshetnikova I. V. Optimization method of the phase front gauge topology . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 11. P. 873-877.
Copy the reference to clipboardSokovikov V. G., Klimkin V. M., Shestakov D. U., Vorob'eva L. P. Asymmetry of optical excitation of a copper atom resonance doublet. P. 878-884PDF
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Sokovikov V. G., Klimkin V. M., Shestakov D. U., Vorob'eva L. P. Asymmetry of optical excitation of a copper atom resonance doublet . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2008. V. 21. No. 11. P. 878-884.
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