Content of issue 06, volume 6, 1993
Thematic issue on proceedings of the conference "Pulse Lasers on Atomic and Molecular Transitions", held in September 7-9, 1992.
Bibliographic reference
Evtushenko G. S. Preface . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 627.
Copy the reference to clipboardKlimkin V. M., Prokop'ev V. E., Sokovikov V. G. An experimental study of the correlation between ion and atomic spectra of Eu in the He-Eu mixture. P. 628-634PDF
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Klimkin V. M., Prokop'ev V. E., Sokovikov V. G. An experimental study of the correlation between ion and atomic spectra of Eu in the He-Eu mixture . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 628-634.
Copy the reference to clipboardKolbychev G. V. Generation of runaway electron beams and use of these beams for pumping metal vapor lasers. P. 635-649PDF
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Kolbychev G. V. Generation of runaway electron beams and use of these beams for pumping metal vapor lasers . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 635-649.
Copy the reference to clipboardSoldatov A. N. Physics and technology of copper-vapor lasers with controlled parameters. P. 650-658PDF
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Soldatov A. N. Physics and technology of copper-vapor lasers with controlled parameters . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 650-658.
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Demkin V. P., Soldatov A. N., Yudin N. A. Efficiency of the copper vapor laser . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 659-665.
Copy the reference to clipboardTroitskii V. O. On peculiar features of harmonic generation of the copper vapor laser radiation in nonlinear crystals. P. 666-671PDF
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Troitskii V. O. On peculiar features of harmonic generation of the copper vapor laser radiation in nonlinear crystals . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 666-671.
Copy the reference to clipboardGridnev A. G., Murav'ev I. I. IR lasers with active media based on extended open inhomogeneous electrical discharges in noble gases. P. 672-678PDF
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Gridnev A. G., Murav'ev I. I. IR lasers with active media based on extended open inhomogeneous electrical discharges in noble gases . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 672-678.
Copy the reference to clipboardTarasenko V. F., Fedenev A. V. Effect of the pump power on the efficiency of a Neon Penning plasma laser. P. 679-686PDF
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Tarasenko V. F., Fedenev A. V. Effect of the pump power on the efficiency of a Neon Penning plasma laser . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 679-686.
Copy the reference to clipboardPanchenko A. N., Khabarov O. Yu., Tarasenko V. F. Extension of pulse duration in electric discharge exciplex lasers. P. 687-693PDF
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Panchenko A. N., Khabarov O. Yu., Tarasenko V. F. Extension of pulse duration in electric discharge exciplex lasers . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 687-693.
Copy the reference to clipboardKuznetsov A. A., Skakun V. S., Fomin E. A., Tarasenko V. F. Pulsed high power source of spontaneous emission in the vacuum UV spectral region. P. 694-698PDF
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Kuznetsov A. A., Skakun V. S., Fomin E. A., Tarasenko V. F. Pulsed high power source of spontaneous emission in the vacuum UV spectral region . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 694-698.
Copy the reference to clipboardZvereva N. A., Ippolitov I. I., Terpugova A. F. Laser-induced photofragmentation of molecules. A theoretical study of photochemistry and photophysics of organic molecules. P. 699-703PDF
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Zvereva N. A., Ippolitov I. I., Terpugova A. F. Laser-induced photofragmentation of molecules. A theoretical study of photochemistry and photophysics of organic molecules . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 699-703.
Copy the reference to clipboardKopylova T. N., Maier G. V. Development and design of powerful excimer laser-pumped dye lasers. P. 704-711PDF
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Kopylova T. N., Maier G. V. Development and design of powerful excimer laser-pumped dye lasers . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 704-711.
Copy the reference to clipboardKopylova T. N., Maier G. V., Samsonova L. G., Morozova Yu. P., Tchaikovskaya O. N., Degtyarenko K. M., Tel'minov E. N. Design and development of a system for regeneration of active media for high-power dye lasers. P. 712-715PDF
Bibliographic reference
Kopylova T. N., Maier G. V., Samsonova L. G., Morozova Yu. P., Tchaikovskaya O. N., Degtyarenko K. M., Tel'minov E. N. Design and development of a system for regeneration of active media for high-power dye lasers . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 712-715.
Copy the reference to clipboardDegtyarenko K. M., Kopylova T. N., Kuznetsova R. T., Maier G. V., Tel'minov E. N. Influence of dye concentration and of the laser system design on its lifetime. P. 716-720PDF
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Degtyarenko K. M., Kopylova T. N., Kuznetsova R. T., Maier G. V., Tel'minov E. N. Influence of dye concentration and of the laser system design on its lifetime . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 716-720.
Copy the reference to clipboardSerova V. N., Vasil'ev A. A., Dubinskij M. A., Naumov A. K., Shmakova O. P., Koryagina E. L. Structure and strength to laser damage in polymers. P. 721-726PDF
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Serova V. N., Vasil'ev A. A., Dubinskij M. A., Naumov A. K., Shmakova O. P., Koryagina E. L. Structure and strength to laser damage in polymers . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 721-726.
Copy the reference to clipboardVoronov V. I., Elaev V. F., Ivanov A. I., Kirilov A. E., Polunin Yu. P., Soldatov A. N., Shumeiko A. S. Research and development of high-power sealed-off CuBr vapor lasers. P. 727-730PDF
Bibliographic reference
Voronov V. I., Elaev V. F., Ivanov A. I., Kirilov A. E., Polunin Yu. P., Soldatov A. N., Shumeiko A. S. Research and development of high-power sealed-off CuBr vapor lasers . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 727-730.
Copy the reference to clipboardBaginskii B. A., Lizogub V. G., Evtushenko G. S., Filonov A. G., Makarevich V. N., Udalyi I. F. Compact high-efficiency metal-vapor laser for medical and other applications. P. 731-736PDF
Bibliographic reference
Baginskii B. A., Lizogub V. G., Evtushenko G. S., Filonov A. G., Makarevich V. N., Udalyi I. F. Compact high-efficiency metal-vapor laser for medical and other applications . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 731-736.
Copy the reference to clipboardVoronov V. I., Polunin Yu. P., Soldatov A. N., Shumeiko A. S. Modified physiotherapeutic installation based on a Malakhit laser. P. 737-739PDF
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Voronov V. I., Polunin Yu. P., Soldatov A. N., Shumeiko A. S. Modified physiotherapeutic installation based on a Malakhit laser . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 737-739.
Copy the reference to clipboardIvanov A. I., Mirza S. Yu., Soldatov A. N., Sukhanov V. B. A compact dye laser for medical and biological applications. P. 740-742PDF
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Ivanov A. I., Mirza S. Yu., Soldatov A. N., Sukhanov V. B. A compact dye laser for medical and biological applications . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 740-742.
Copy the reference to clipboardEvtushenko V. A., Soldatov A. N., Vusik M. V., Dikovich V. A., Shumeiko A. S. Treatment and prophylaxis of postoperative complications in oncologic patients using a "Malakhit" laser installation. P. 743-745PDF
Bibliographic reference
Evtushenko V. A., Soldatov A. N., Vusik M. V., Dikovich V. A., Shumeiko A. S. Treatment and prophylaxis of postoperative complications in oncologic patients using a "Malakhit" laser installation . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 743-745.
Copy the reference to clipboardEvtushenko V. A., Bychkov I. A., Soldatov A. N., Zyryanov B. N. Experimental study of the influence of radiation from a copper vapor laser on tumor metastases. P. 746-749PDF
Bibliographic reference
Evtushenko V. A., Bychkov I. A., Soldatov A. N., Zyryanov B. N. Experimental study of the influence of radiation from a copper vapor laser on tumor metastases . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 746-749.
Copy the reference to clipboardEvtushenko V. A., Popovich V. I., Soldatov A. N., Kitsmanyuk Z. D. Exposure to copper-vapor laser as prophylaxis of radiative aggravations in patients treated for head or neck tumours. P. 750-753PDF
Bibliographic reference
Evtushenko V. A., Popovich V. I., Soldatov A. N., Kitsmanyuk Z. D. Exposure to copper-vapor laser as prophylaxis of radiative aggravations in patients treated for head or neck tumours . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1993. V. 6. No. 06. P. 750-753.
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