Content of issue 09, volume 4, 1991

Bibliographic reference

Borovoy A. G., Popov A. A., Shefer O. V. Theoretical investigation of the spectral behavior of the optical radiation extinction coefficient of a system of oriented ice plates . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 09. P. 631-635.
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Kassianov E. I., Titov G. A. Correlation function of the long-wave radiation in broken clouds: the calculated results . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 09. P. 636-641.
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Bibliographic reference

Rakhimov R. F. Gravitational sedimentation due to advection of coarsely dispersed aerosols in the atmosphere near the underlying surface . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 09. P. 642-645.
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Begkhanov M., Kurbanmuradov O., Lebedinets V. M. Semi-empirical models of the upper atmos-pheric aerosol composition. III. Coagulation model . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 09. P. 646-649.
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Gavrilova L. A., Ivlev L. S. The effect of choice between aerosol models on the calculation of atmospheric radiation characteristics . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 09. P. 650-652.
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Ostashev V. E. Propagation and scattering of sound waves in the turbulent media (atmosphere or ocean) . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 09. P. 653-656.
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Voitsekhovskaya O. K., Kuznetsov S. V., Sapozhnikov S. V., Trifonova N. N., Cherkasov M. R. Information system for the molecular absorption of a CO2-laser radiation . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 09. P. 657-668.
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Korzilov S. V., Starikov V. I., Tyuterev Vl. G. Approximation of K-dependence of the (HF)2 dimer rotational energy . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 09. P. 669-673.
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Nikolskii G. A., Shul'ts E. O. Spectral and temporal variations of the residual extinction in the near-UV . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 09. P. 674-677.
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Belinskii A. V. Quantum uncertainty and its contribution to the process of nonlinear propagation of Schrodinger's soliton through a lightguide . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 09. P. 678-688.
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Kanev F. Yu., Chesnokov S. S. The dependence of the efficiency of correction for the thermal lens effect on the controlling coordinate basis . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 09. P. 689-691.
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Belyavskii A. V., Zakharov V. M., Kruchenitskii G. M. Influence of clouds on the detectability of trends in the UV-B irradiance caused by reduction of the total ozone content . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 09. P. 692-696.
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Belan B. D., Mikushev M. K., Panchenko M. V., Pokrovskii E. V., Sem'yanova O. I., Tolmachev G. N., Shcherbatov A. I. Specific features of photochemical processes in air over industrial centers . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 09. P. 697-703.
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Bibliographic reference

Elokhov A. S., Gruzdev A. N. Measurements of total ozone and nitrogen dioxide content at the antarctic stations Molodezhnaya and Mirnyi in spring 1987-fall 1988 . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 09. P. 704-706.
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