Content of issue 08, volume 22, 2009
Bibliographic reference
Geints Yu. E., Zemlyanov A. A. Phase explosion of a water droplet by a femtosecond laser pulse: I. Dynamics of optical breakdown. . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 08. P. 725-733 [in Russian].
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Geints Yu.E. and Zemlyanov A.A. Phase Explosion of a Water Drop by a Femtosecond Laser Pulse: I. Dynamics of Optical Breakdown. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2009, V. 22. No. 06. pp. 581–589.
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Zaloznaya I. V., Falits A. V. Diffractive contraction of short pulses . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 08. P. 734-738 [in Russian].
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Zaloznaya I.V. and Falits A.V. Diffraction Contraction of Short Pulses. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2009, V. 22. No. 06. pp. 590–594.
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Mel'nikov N. G., Sazanovich V. M., Tsvyk R. Sh., Shesternin A. N. Laboratory modeling of laser radiation propagation in the turbulent atmosphere under thermal self-action . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 08. P. 739-750 [in Russian].
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Mel’nikov N.G., Sazanovich V.M., Tsvyk R.Sh., and Shesternin A.N. Laboratory Modeling of Laser Radiation Propagation in a Turbulent Atmosphere under Thermal Self-Action Conditions. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2009, V. 22. No. 06. pp. 595–606.
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Ivanov V. I., Livashvili A. I. The Gaussin beam self-action in the thin film of the liquid microgeterogenious medium . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 08. P. 751-752 [in Russian].
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Ivanov V.I. and Livashvili A.I. Self-Action of a Gaussian Radiation Beam in a Layer of a Liquid-Phase Microheterogeneous Medium // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2010, V. 23. No. 01. pp. 7–8.
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Afraimovich E. L., Edemskii I. K., Voeykov S. V., Yasyukevich Yu. V., Zhivet'ev I. V. Travelling wave packets generated at high altitude by solar terminator . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 08. P. 753-759 [in Russian].
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Afraimovich E.L., Edemskiy I.K., Voeykov S.V., Yasyukevic Yu.V. h, and Zhivetyev I.V. Travelling Wave Packets Generated by the Solar Terminator in the Upper Atmosphere // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2010, V. 23. No. 01. pp. 21–27.
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Bibliographic reference
Komarov V. S., Gorev E. V., Bogushevich A. Ya., Lavrinenko A. V. The "Meteo" data processing system for solution of meteorological application problems. Part 2. Results of system tests . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 08. P. 760-766 [in Russian].
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Kozlov V. S., Tikhomirov A. B., Panchenko M. V., Shmargunov V. P., Pol'kin V. V., Sakerin S. M., Lisitsyn A. P., Shevchenko V. P. Optical and microphysical parameters of aerosol in the near-water atmosphere of the White Sea as assessed from the data of simultaneous shipborne and coast-based measurements in August 2006. . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 08. P. 767-776 [in Russian].
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Kozlov V.S., Tikhomirov A.B., Panchenko M.V., Shmargunov V.P., Pol’kin V.V., Sakerin S.M., Lisitzin A.P., and Shevchenko V.P. Optical and Microphysical Parameters of Aerosol in the Near-Water Atmosphere of the White Sea as Assessed from the Data of Simultaneous Ship-Borne and Coast-Based Measurements in August 2006. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2009, V. 22. No. 05. pp. 517–526.
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Zhuravleva T. B., Bedareva T. V., Nasrtdinov I. M., Sakerin S. M. Specific features of angular characteristics of diffuse solar radiation in little-cloud atmosphere . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 08. P. 777-786 [in Russian].
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Zhuravleva T.B., Bedareva T.V., Kabanov D.M., Nasrtdinov I.M., and Sakerin S.M. Specific Features of Angular Characteristics of Diffuse Solar Radiation in a Little-Cloud Atmosphere. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2009, V. 22. No. 06. pp. 607–616.
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Gorchakov G. I., Semutnikova E. G., Glyadkov P. S., Karpov A. V., Kolesnikova A. B., Lesina E. A. Vertical profiles of the carbonic oxide and nitrogen oxide concentrations in the boundary layer of the urban atmosphere . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 08. P. 787-794 [in Russian].
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Gorchakov G.I., Semoutnikova E.G., Glyadkov P.S., Karpov A.V., Kolesnikova A.B., and Lezina E.A. Vertical Profiles of Concentrations of Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Oxides in the Urban Atmospheric Boundary Layer. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2009, V. 22. No. 06. pp. 617–625.
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Krekov G. M., Krekova M. M., Sukhanov A. Ya. Estimate of perspective white-light lidar efficiency for sensing of the stratus clouds microphysical parameters: 2. Parametric modification of the iteration method lidar equation solution . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 08. P. 795-802 [in Russian].
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Fomin B. A., Falaleeva V. A. Recent advance of spectroscopy and its effect on line-by-line calculations for validation of radiation codes for climate models . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 08. P. 803-806 [in Russian].
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Fomin A.A. and Falaleeva V.A. Recent Progress in Spectroscopy and Its Effect on Line-by-Line Calculations for the Validation of Radiation Codes for Climate Models. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2009, V. 22. No. 06. pp. 626–629.
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Bibliographic reference
Bol'basova L. A., Lukin V. P. Investigations of the efficiency of application of laser guide stars . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 08. P. 807-814 [in Russian].
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Bol’basova L.A. and Lukin V.P. Investigation of the Efficiency of the Application of Laser Guide Stars // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2010, V. 23. No. 01. pp. 65–72.
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Bibliographic reference
Ilyasov S. P. Comparison of estimates of the quality of images obtained at the Maidanak observatory for period 1970-2003 . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 08. P. 815-817 [in Russian].
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Avdeev S. M., Sosnin E. A., Smirnov A. A., Heneral A. A., Avtaeva S. V., Kel’man V. A., Tarasenko V. F. Study of the spectral, temporal and energy characteristics of discharge plasma in water and water ammonia vapors . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 08. P. 818-822 [in Russian].
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Avdeev S.M., Sosnina E.A., Smirnov A.A., General A.A., Avtaeva S.V., Kel’man V.A., and Tarasenko V.F. The Study of the Spectral, Temporal, and Energy Characteristics of Gas-Discharge Plasma in Water and Water Ammonia Vapors. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2009, V. 22. No. 05. pp. 560–566.
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