Vol. 19, issue 02-03, article # 8

Semenov V. I., Sorokina T. G., Sorokin G. M. Study of the spectra of electrons emitted by xenon atoms. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 132-134.    PDF
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Autoionization states of xenon atoms play an important role in the process of UV lasing in these atoms. The process of excitation and decay of the autoionization states of the xenon atoms at energies of bombarding electrons from 20 to 50 eV was studied by the method of electron spectroscopy. The energies of electrons emitted due to decay of the autoionization states at an angle of 90?вупж with respect to the direction of the incident electron beam were analyzed by a 127-degree electrostatic selector with a resolution of 0.07 eV. Seven lines were recorded within the energy range of emitted electron from 3 to 14 eV. New data on the position of the autoionization lines of the xenon atom have been obtained.