Content of issue 07, volume 7, 1994
Zimin D. A., Titov G. A. Mean fluxes and brightness fields in statistically homogeneous broken clouds. P. 457-462PDF
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Zimin D. A., Titov G. A. Mean fluxes and brightness fields in statistically homogeneous broken clouds . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 457-462.
Copy the reference to clipboardKutsenogii K. P., Potemkin V. L., Kutsenogii P. K., Smirnova A. I. Influence of aerosols on the spectral optical thickness of the atmosphere over southern part of Lake Baikal. P. 463-467PDF
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Kutsenogii K. P., Potemkin V. L., Kutsenogii P. K., Smirnova A. I. Influence of aerosols on the spectral optical thickness of the atmosphere over southern part of Lake Baikal . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 463-467.
Copy the reference to clipboardShchelkanov N. N. Technique for correcting spectral behavior of the aerosol optical depth of the atmosphere. P. 468-470PDF
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Shchelkanov N. N. Technique for correcting spectral behavior of the aerosol optical depth of the atmosphere . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 468-470.
Copy the reference to clipboardPanchenko M. V., Tumakov A. G. Investigation of thermo- and hygrooptical characteristics of atmospheric aerosol above the Atlantic Ocean. P. 471-475PDF
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Panchenko M. V., Tumakov A. G. Investigation of thermo- and hygrooptical characteristics of atmospheric aerosol above the Atlantic Ocean . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 471-475.
Copy the reference to clipboardCherkasov M. R. On the impact approximation theory of spectrum shape relaxation parameters. P. 476-480PDF
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Cherkasov M. R. On the impact approximation theory of spectrum shape relaxation parameters . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 476-480.
Copy the reference to clipboardPogodaev V. A. A particle of a coarse disperse aerosol in high-power light field: influence of the initial characteristics of a particle on the development of a local perturbation of ambient air. P. 481-483PDF
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Pogodaev V. A. A particle of a coarse disperse aerosol in high-power light field: influence of the initial characteristics of a particle on the development of a local perturbation of ambient air . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 481-483.
Copy the reference to clipboardGordov E. P., Rodimova O. B., Sennikov V. A. Effect of production and loss of the oxygen constituents on the ozone cycle stability. P. 484-487PDF
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Gordov E. P., Rodimova O. B., Sennikov V. A. Effect of production and loss of the oxygen constituents on the ozone cycle stability . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 484-487.
Copy the reference to clipboardGeints Yu. E., Zemlyanov A. A., Chistyakova E. K. Stimulated Raman scattering of light by isolated transparent droplets. P. 488-495PDF
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Geints Yu. E., Zemlyanov A. A., Chistyakova E. K. Stimulated Raman scattering of light by isolated transparent droplets . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 488-495.
Copy the reference to clipboardPavutnitskii Yu. V., Smirnov D. S., Fedorov I. A., Shilenkov M. V. Nonlinear effects at interaction of high-power radiation of a cw HF laser with a moving disperse medium under low pressure. P. 496-498PDF
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Pavutnitskii Yu. V., Smirnov D. S., Fedorov I. A., Shilenkov M. V. Nonlinear effects at interaction of high-power radiation of a cw HF laser with a moving disperse medium under low pressure . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 496-498.
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Abramov N. G. Radius of curvature of a sound beam in an inhomogeneous moving medium . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 499-502.
Copy the reference to clipboardKlimkin V. M., Prokop'ev V. E., Popov L. N. Noble gases as optical tracers of gas and electron fluxes in polar ionosphere. P. 503-505PDF
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Klimkin V. M., Prokop'ev V. E., Popov L. N. Noble gases as optical tracers of gas and electron fluxes in polar ionosphere . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 503-505.
Copy the reference to clipboardAksenov V. P., Isaev Yu. N. Optimal mode expansion of phase reconstructed from measurements of wave front tilts in a turbulent atmosphere. Part I. Aberration representation in the Karhunen-Loeve-Obukhov basis. P. 506-509PDF
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Aksenov V. P., Isaev Yu. N. Optimal mode expansion of phase reconstructed from measurements of wave front tilts in a turbulent atmosphere. Part I. Aberration representation in the Karhunen-Loeve-Obukhov basis . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 506-509.
Copy the reference to clipboardAksenov V. P., Banakh V. A., Zakharova E. V., Isaev Yu. N. Optimal mode expansion of phase reconstructed from measurements of wave front tilts in a turbulent atmosphere. Part II. Numerical experiment and errors of algorithms. P. 510-512PDF
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Aksenov V. P., Banakh V. A., Zakharova E. V., Isaev Yu. N. Optimal mode expansion of phase reconstructed from measurements of wave front tilts in a turbulent atmosphere. Part II. Numerical experiment and errors of algorithms . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 510-512.
Copy the reference to clipboardBalin Yu. S., Razenkov I. A., Rostov A. P. Lidar studies of fluctuations of aerosol concentration in the ground atmospheric layer. P. 513-516PDF
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Balin Yu. S., Razenkov I. A., Rostov A. P. Lidar studies of fluctuations of aerosol concentration in the ground atmospheric layer . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 513-516.
Copy the reference to clipboardKokhanenko G. P., Matvienko G. G., Shamanaev V. S., Grachev Yu. N., Znamenskii I. V. Sensing of cloudiness with an orbital laser rangefinder. P. 517-521PDF
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Kokhanenko G. P., Matvienko G. G., Shamanaev V. S., Grachev Yu. N., Znamenskii I. V. Sensing of cloudiness with an orbital laser rangefinder . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 517-521.
Copy the reference to clipboardLokoshchenko M. A., Semenchenko B. A., Kallistratova M. A., Pekur M. S. Influence of synoptic conditions on the mixing layer height. P. 522-527PDF
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Lokoshchenko M. A., Semenchenko B. A., Kallistratova M. A., Pekur M. S. Influence of synoptic conditions on the mixing layer height . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 522-527.
Copy the reference to clipboardAgeev B. G., Astafurova T. P., Ponomarev Yu. N., Sapozhnikova V. A., Kositsyn K. L. Application of a CO2-laser-based opto-acoustic spectrometer for studying gas exchange of vegetation. P. 528-530PDF
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Ageev B. G., Astafurova T. P., Ponomarev Yu. N., Sapozhnikova V. A., Kositsyn K. L. Application of a CO2-laser-based opto-acoustic spectrometer for studying gas exchange of vegetation . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 528-530.
Copy the reference to clipboardKokhanov V. I., Kopytin A. Yu., Shishigin S. A. Processing of signals from a correlation gas analyzer. P. 531-532PDF
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Kokhanov V. I., Kopytin A. Yu., Shishigin S. A. Processing of signals from a correlation gas analyzer . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 531-532.
Copy the reference to clipboardGordov E. P., Matvienko G. G., Rybalko V. S., Sennikov V. A., Khachaturyan A. V., Khachaturyan V. G. Autodyne lidar based on cw and pulsed Nd:YAG lasers. P. 533-535PDF
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Gordov E. P., Matvienko G. G., Rybalko V. S., Sennikov V. A., Khachaturyan A. V., Khachaturyan V. G. Autodyne lidar based on cw and pulsed Nd:YAG lasers . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 533-535.
Copy the reference to clipboardVoitsekhovskaya O. K., Kuznetsov S. V. Software environment of an open multifunctional IBM PC compatible information system for high resolution spectroscopy. P. 536-540PDF
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Voitsekhovskaya O. K., Kuznetsov S. V. Software environment of an open multifunctional IBM PC compatible information system for high resolution spectroscopy . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 07. P. 536-540.
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