Content of issue 03, volume 13, 2000
Proceedings of IV International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers
Evtushenko G. S., Kopylova T. N., Soldatov A. N., Zimakov V. P., Yakovlenko S. I., Yancharina A. M. IV International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers (AMPL'99). P. 201-208PDF
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Evtushenko G. S., Kopylova T. N., Soldatov A. N., Zimakov V. P., Yakovlenko S. I., Yancharina A. M. IV International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers (AMPL'99) . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 201-208.
Copy the reference to clipboardErofeev M. V., Orlovskii V. M., Skakun V. S., Sosnin E. A., Zimakov V. P. Power, temporal, and spectral characteristics of non-chain HF laser pumped by planar e-beam and e-beam initiated discharge. P. 209-212PDF
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Erofeev M. V., Orlovskii V. M., Skakun V. S., Sosnin E. A., Zimakov V. P. Power, temporal, and spectral characteristics of non-chain HF laser pumped by planar e-beam and e-beam initiated discharge . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 209-212.
Copy the reference to clipboardTomizawa H., Salvermoser M., Wieser J., Ulrich A. Influence of water vapor impurities and gas temperature on the 1.73 mkm atomic xenon laser. P. 213-218PDF
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Tomizawa H., Salvermoser M., Wieser J., Ulrich A. Influence of water vapor impurities and gas temperature on the 1.73 mkm atomic xenon laser . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 213-218.
Copy the reference to clipboardBaksht E. H., Vizir V. A., Kunts S. E., Orlovskii V. M., Panchenko A. N., Rukin S. N., Zimakov V. P. Pumping pulsed gas lasers by longitudinal discharge from a generator with inductive energy storage and a semiconductor opening switch. P. 220-226PDF
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Baksht E. H., Vizir V. A., Kunts S. E., Orlovskii V. M., Panchenko A. N., Rukin S. N., Zimakov V. P. Pumping pulsed gas lasers by longitudinal discharge from a generator with inductive energy storage and a semiconductor opening switch . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 220-226.
Copy the reference to clipboardGerasimov V. A., Starkova L. N. Conditions for efficient operation of metal-vapor lasers with indirect excitation of the upper lasing levels. P. 227-229PDF
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Gerasimov V. A., Starkova L. N. Conditions for efficient operation of metal-vapor lasers with indirect excitation of the upper lasing levels . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 227-229.
Copy the reference to clipboardShiyanov D. V., Evtushenko G. S., Fedorov V. F. Frequency characteristics of a CuBr laser. P. 230-233PDF
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Shiyanov D. V., Evtushenko G. S., Fedorov V. F. Frequency characteristics of a CuBr laser . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 230-233.
Copy the reference to clipboardLyabin N. A. Commercial sealed-off copper-vapor lasers of Crystal type with the enhanced efficiency and output power. P. 234-240PDF
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Lyabin N. A. Commercial sealed-off copper-vapor lasers of Crystal type with the enhanced efficiency and output power . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 234-240.
Copy the reference to clipboardEvtushenko G. S., Kashaev V. Yu., Parshina N. V., Sukhanov V. B., Tatur V. V., Trifonov A. N., Fedorov V. F. CuBr laser with a transistor switch. P. 241-242PDF
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Evtushenko G. S., Kashaev V. Yu., Parshina N. V., Sukhanov V. B., Tatur V. V., Trifonov A. N., Fedorov V. F. CuBr laser with a transistor switch . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 241-242.
Copy the reference to clipboardKolbychev G. V., Ptashnik I. V. The calculation of strong electric field in an open discharge. P. 243-247PDF
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Kolbychev G. V., Ptashnik I. V. The calculation of strong electric field in an open discharge . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 243-247.
Copy the reference to clipboardDemkin V. P., Revinskaya O. G. Influence of electron-impact excitation on the radiation line profile in an electric field. P. 248-251PDF
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Demkin V. P., Revinskaya O. G. Influence of electron-impact excitation on the radiation line profile in an electric field . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 248-251.
Copy the reference to clipboardSkorohod E. P., Gavrilova A. Yu., Kiselev A. G., Reshetnikova O. F., Skalinskiyi A. Yu. Distribution of excited atoms in non-equilibrium plasma of noble gases. P. 252-255PDF
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Skorohod E. P., Gavrilova A. Yu., Kiselev A. G., Reshetnikova O. F., Skalinskiyi A. Yu. Distribution of excited atoms in non-equilibrium plasma of noble gases . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 252-255.
Copy the reference to clipboardBychek I. S., Lugovskoi A. V., Yancharina A. M. Mechanism of excitation of helium spectral lines at 706.5 and 587.6 nm in the e-beam plasma. P. 256-257PDF
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Bychek I. S., Lugovskoi A. V., Yancharina A. M. Mechanism of excitation of helium spectral lines at 706.5 and 587.6 nm in the e-beam plasma . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 256-257.
Copy the reference to clipboardKorotkov A. I., Sorokin G. M., Podshivalin A. N. Scattering of slow electrons by xenon atoms in various quantum states. P. 258-261PDF
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Korotkov A. I., Sorokin G. M., Podshivalin A. N. Scattering of slow electrons by xenon atoms in various quantum states . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 258-261.
Copy the reference to clipboardSamsonova L. G., Kopylova T. N., Svetlichnaya N. N., Andrienko O. S. Lasing of trans-stilbene and its methyl derivatives. P. 262-264PDF
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Samsonova L. G., Kopylova T. N., Svetlichnaya N. N., Andrienko O. S. Lasing of trans-stilbene and its methyl derivatives . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 262-264.
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Sachkov V. I., Sachrova E. I. Photoprocesses in maleic acid . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 265-266.
Copy the reference to clipboardSokolova I. V., Tchaikovskaya O. N., Sultimova N. B. Photochemical methods for solving ecological problems of the hydrosphere. P. 267-270PDF
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Sokolova I. V., Tchaikovskaya O. N., Sultimova N. B. Photochemical methods for solving ecological problems of the hydrosphere . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 267-270.
Copy the reference to clipboardSokolova I. V., Mizin P. A., Tchaikovskaya O. N., Gavrilenko M. A., Slizhov U. G. Physicochemical properties of phenol photolysis products. P. 271-274PDF
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Sokolova I. V., Mizin P. A., Tchaikovskaya O. N., Gavrilenko M. A., Slizhov U. G. Physicochemical properties of phenol photolysis products . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 271-274.
Copy the reference to clipboardKukhto A. V., Galkin V. V. Influence of photodisintegration on the lasing efficiency in dyes. P. 275-278PDF
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Kukhto A. V., Galkin V. V. Influence of photodisintegration on the lasing efficiency in dyes . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 275-278.
Copy the reference to clipboardLarionov P. M., Malov A. N., Maslov N. A., Orishich A. M. Application of the LIF method to studying the UV-radiation effect on biological tissues. P. 279-282PDF
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Larionov P. M., Malov A. N., Maslov N. A., Orishich A. M. Application of the LIF method to studying the UV-radiation effect on biological tissues . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 279-282.
Copy the reference to clipboardSkakun V. S., Krivonosenko A. N., Lomaev M. I., Sosnin E. A., Zimakov V. P. Sources of high-power short-pulse UV radiation. P. 283-285PDF
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Skakun V. S., Krivonosenko A. N., Lomaev M. I., Sosnin E. A., Zimakov V. P. Sources of high-power short-pulse UV radiation . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 283-285.
Copy the reference to clipboardErofeev M. V., Skakun V. S., Sosnin E. A., Zimakov V. P., Chernov E. B. Lifetime of working mixtures of XeCl and KrCl excilamps. P. 286-288PDF
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Erofeev M. V., Skakun V. S., Sosnin E. A., Zimakov V. P., Chernov E. B. Lifetime of working mixtures of XeCl and KrCl excilamps . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 03. P. 286-288.
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