Vol. 19, issue 02-03, article # 4

Svetlichnyi V. A., Kopylova T. N. Generation of DCM substitutes under two-photon excitation with a nanosecond-duration radiation of a Nd-YAG laser. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2006. V. 19. No. 02-03. P. 114-116.    PDF
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The lasing characteristics of organic dyes of dicyanomethylene-pyran (DCM) substitutes have been studied at pumping with pulsed Nd-YAG-laser radiation at 1064 nm wavelength and 15-ns duration. Cavity parameters, concentration of active molecules, and pump level have been optimized to maximize the lasing efficiency. For efficient two-photon pumped upconverted lasing, organic molecules should possess not only high two-photon absorption (TPA) cross section, but also intense fluorescence, weakly subject to the concentration quenching due to aggregation and reabsorption. In addition, original design of a laser cavity is required to obtain maximum lasing efficiency in a weakly absorbing active medium. Among the compounds studied, the maximum lasing efficiency (higher than 0.5%) was obtained with the DCM molecule.