Content of issue 12, volume 31, 2018
Bibliographic reference
Apeksimov D. V., Geints Yu. E., Zemlyanov A. A., Iglakova A. N., Kabanov A. M., Kuchinskaya O. A., Matvienko G. G., Oshlakov V. K., Petrov A. V. The effect of phase aberrations on the position and length of the filamentation domain . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 12. P. 941–947. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20181201 [in Russian].
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Apeksimov D.V., Geints Yu.E., Zemlyanov A.A., Iglakova A.N., Kabanov A.M., Kuchinskaya O.I., Matvienko G.G., Oshlakov V.K. and Petrov A.V. The Effect of Phase Aberrations on the Position and Length of the Filamentation Domain // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2019, V. 32. No. 02. pp. 109–116.
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Kustova N. V., Konoshonkin A. V., Timofeev D. N., Shishko V. A. Extinction matrix of quasihorizontally oriented atmospheric ice crystals for visible and IR light . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 12. P. 948–954. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20181202 [in Russian].
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Kustova N.V., Konoshonkin A.V., Timofeev D.N. and Shishko V.A. Extinction Matrix of Atmospheric Ice Crystals with Their Preferred Spatial Orientation for the Visible and IR Regions // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2019, V. 32. No. 02. pp. 117–123.
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Bibliographic reference
Fedorov V. A. Spectral contributions of sections of power-law structure function of random processes with stationary increments. Part 1. The exponent is less than one . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 12. P. 955–961. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20181203 [in Russian].
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Fedorov V.A. Spectral Contributions of Sections of the Power-Law Structure Function of Random Processes with Stationary Increments: Part 1—The Exponent is Less than Unity // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2019, V. 32. No. 03. pp. 235–241.
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Zаdvornykh I. V., Gribanov K. G., Zakharov V. I., Imasu R. A method for joint methane vertical profile retrieval from atmospheric spectra in the thermal and near-infrared regions . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 12. P. 962–967. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20181204 [in Russian].
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Zadvornykh I.V., Gribanov K.G., Zakharov V.I. and Imasu R. Methane Vertical Profile Retrieval from the Thermal and Near-Infrared Atmospheric Spectra // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2019, V. 32. No. 02. pp. 152–157.
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Zayakhanov A. S., Zhamsueva G. S., Tsydypov V. V., Balzhanov T. S., Balin Yu. S., Kokhanenko G. P., Penner I. E., Nasonov S. V. Features of the transport and transformation of aerosol and gas impurities in the atmosphere in the coastal zone of the Lake Baikal . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 12. P. 968–973. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20181205 [in Russian].
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Zayakhanov A.S., Zhamsueva G.S., Tsydypov V.V., Balzhanov T.S., Balin Yu.S., Penner I.E., Kokhanenko G.P. and Nasonov S.V. Specific Features of Transport and Transformation of Atmospheric Aerosol and Gas Admixtures in the Coastal Zone of Lake Baikal // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2019, V. 32. No. 02. pp. 158–164.
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Matvienko G. G., Sukhanov A. Ya., Babchenko S. V. Analysis of neural network capabilities in IPDA spaceborne lidar sensing of CO2 using heterogeneous a priori data . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 12. P. 974–980. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20181206 [in Russian].
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Matvienko G.G., Sukhanov A.Ya. and Babchenko S.V. The Analysis of Capabilities of Neural Networks in CO2 Sounding with Spaceborne IPDA-Lidar with the Use of Different A Priori Data // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2019, V. 32. No. 02. pp. 165–170.
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Zarochentsev G. A., Rubinshtein K. G., Bychkova V. I., Ignatov R. Yu., Yusupov Yu. I. Comparison of several numerical methods for fog forecast . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 12. P. 981–987. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20181207 [in Russian].
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Zarochentsev G.A., Rubinstein K.G., Bychkova V.I., Ignatov R.Yu. and Yusupov Yu.I. Comparison of Several Numerical Methods for Fog Prediction // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2019, V. 32. No. 02. pp. 193–201.
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Baldin M. N., Bobrovnikov S. M., Vorozhtsov A. B., Gorlov E. V., Gruznov V. M., Zharkov V. I., Panchenko Yu. N., Pryamov M. V., Sakovich G. V. On the effectiveness of joint laser and gas chromatographic remote detection of explosive traces . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 12. P. 988–994. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20181208 [in Russian].
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Baldin M.N., Bobrovnikov S.M., Vorozhtsov A.B., Gorlov E.V., Gruznov V.M., Zharkov V.I., Panchenko Yu.N., Pryamov M.V. and Sakovich G.V. Effectiveness of Combined Laser and Gas Chromatographic Remote Detection of Traces of Explosives // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2019, V. 32. No. 01. pp. 227–233.
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Bibliographic reference
Kapitanov V. A., Osipov K. Yu., Ptashnik I. V. Photoacoustic measurements of the water vapor continuum absorption in the 1.6 mm window . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 12. P. 995–1000. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20181209 [in Russian].
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Loboda E. L., Matvienko O. V., Agafontsev M. V., Reino V. V. The use of thermography to assess the turbulence scales in flame . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 12. P. 1001–1006. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20181210 [in Russian].
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Kulagin A. E., Torgaev S. N., Evtushenko G. S. Radial model of gas temperature in metal vapor active media . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 12. P. 1007–1009. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20181211 [in Russian].
Copy the reference to clipboardSubject Index. P. 1010–1019
Author Index. P. 1020–1022