Content of issue 01, volume 17, 2004
Kondratyev K. Ya. Atmospheric aerosol as a climate-forming component of the atmosphere. Part 1. Properties of various-type aerosols. P. 1-17PDF
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Kondratyev K. Ya. Atmospheric aerosol as a climate-forming component of the atmosphere. Part 1. Properties of various-type aerosols . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 01. P. 1-17.
Copy the reference to clipboardKondratyev K. Ya. Atmospheric aerosol as a climate-forming component of the atmosphere. Part 2. Remote sensing of the global spatiotemporal variability of aerosol and its climate impact
. P. 18-27PDF
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Kondratyev K. Ya. Atmospheric aerosol as a climate-forming component of the atmosphere. Part 2. Remote sensing of the global spatiotemporal variability of aerosol and its climate impact
. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 01. P. 18-27.
Copy the reference to clipboardBudak V. P., Kozelskii A. V., Savitskii E. N. Improvement of the spherical harmonics method convergence at strongly anisotropic scattering
. P. 28-33PDF
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Budak V. P., Kozelskii A. V., Savitskii E. N. Improvement of the spherical harmonics method convergence at strongly anisotropic scattering
. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 01. P. 28-33.
Copy the reference to clipboardBuldakov M. A., Cherepanov V. N. Semiempirical dipole moment functions of the CO and NO molecules
. P. 34-38PDF
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Buldakov M. A., Cherepanov V. N. Semiempirical dipole moment functions of the CO and NO molecules
. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 01. P. 34-38.
Copy the reference to clipboardDmitriev D. I., Ivanov I. V., Sirazetdinov V. S., Titterton D. H. Statistics of structural state fluctuations of a laser beam disturbed by a jet of aircraft engine. P. 39-45PDF
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Dmitriev D. I., Ivanov I. V., Sirazetdinov V. S., Titterton D. H. Statistics of structural state fluctuations of a laser beam disturbed by a jet of aircraft engine . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 01. P. 39-45.
Copy the reference to clipboardKandidov V. P., Militsin V. O. Intensity of light field and electron concentration in the laser-induced plasma in a droplet of water aerosol exposed to a femtosecond laser pulse. Geometric optics analysis. P. 46-53PDF
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Kandidov V. P., Militsin V. O. Intensity of light field and electron concentration in the laser-induced plasma in a droplet of water aerosol exposed to a femtosecond laser pulse. Geometric optics analysis . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 01. P. 46-53.
Copy the reference to clipboardZavorueva E. N., Zavoruev V. V. Concentration dependences of the red to far-red fluorescence ratio of chlorophyll in higher plants
. P. 54-57PDF
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Zavorueva E. N., Zavoruev V. V. Concentration dependences of the red to far-red fluorescence ratio of chlorophyll in higher plants
. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 01. P. 54-57.
Copy the reference to clipboardBelov M. L., Gorodnichev V. A., Kozintsev V. I. Influence of the sea foam coverage on the power of a lidar return from the sea surface sensed
. P. 58-60PDF
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Belov M. L., Gorodnichev V. A., Kozintsev V. I. Influence of the sea foam coverage on the power of a lidar return from the sea surface sensed
. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 01. P. 58-60.
Copy the reference to clipboardSmirnov V. V., Salm J., Makela J. M., Paatero J. Dynamics of atmospheric aerosol, ions, and trace gases at invasion of the arctic air masses
. P. 61-69PDF
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Smirnov V. V., Salm J., Makela J. M., Paatero J. Dynamics of atmospheric aerosol, ions, and trace gases at invasion of the arctic air masses
. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 01. P. 61-69.
Copy the reference to clipboardChernigovskaya M. A., Mikhalev A. V., Tashchilin M. A. Spatial and temporal inhomogeneities of erythemal ultraviolet radiation fields over the territory of Russia. P. 70-73PDF
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Chernigovskaya M. A., Mikhalev A. V., Tashchilin M. A. Spatial and temporal inhomogeneities of erythemal ultraviolet radiation fields over the territory of Russia . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 01. P. 70-73.
Copy the reference to clipboardNikitina M. G., Pan'ko S. V., Starchenko A. V. Representation of a solution of the admixture transport equation and its applications. P. 74-77PDF
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Nikitina M. G., Pan'ko S. V., Starchenko A. V. Representation of a solution of the admixture transport equation and its applications . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 01. P. 74-77.
Copy the reference to clipboardLukin I. P. On integral resolution of the turbulent atmosphere and a telescopic system for the Knox-Thompson method
. P. 78-82PDF
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Lukin I. P. On integral resolution of the turbulent atmosphere and a telescopic system for the Knox-Thompson method
. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 01. P. 78-82.
Copy the reference to clipboardMatvienko G. G., Ponomarev Yu. N., Tikhomirov B. A., Tikhomirov A. B., Kirsanov A. V., Kiselev A. M., Stepanov A. N. Photo-acoustic measurements of the femtosecond Ti:Sa laser radiation absorption by atmospheric air
. P. 83-85PDF
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Matvienko G. G., Ponomarev Yu. N., Tikhomirov B. A., Tikhomirov A. B., Kirsanov A. V., Kiselev A. M., Stepanov A. N. Photo-acoustic measurements of the femtosecond Ti:Sa laser radiation absorption by atmospheric air
. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 01. P. 83-85.
Copy the reference to clipboardBelan B. D. Review of the monograph by L.B. Filandysheva and L.N. Okisheva Seasonal Rhythms in Nature of West-Siberian Plain (Peleng, Tomsk, 2002).
. P. 86PDF
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Belan B. D. Review of the monograph by L.B. Filandysheva and L.N. Okisheva Seasonal Rhythms in Nature of West-Siberian Plain (Peleng, Tomsk, 2002).
. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 01. P. 86.
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