Content of issue 10, volume 22, 2009

Matvienko G. G. Preface. P. 913-914

Bibliographic reference

Matvienko G. G. Preface . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 10. P. 913-914 [in Russian].
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Bibliographic reference

Matvienko G. G., Banakh V. A., Bobrovnikov S. M., Burlakov V. D., Veretennikov V. V., Kaul B. V., Krekov G. M., Marichev V. N. The development of atmospheric laser sensing technologies . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 10. P. 915-930 [in Russian].
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Bibliographic reference

Geints Yu. E., Zemlyanov A. A., Kabanov A. M., Matvienko G. G., Pogodaev V. A. Propagation of high power laser radiation in the atmospere . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 10. P. 931–936 [in Russian].
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Bibliographic reference

Lukin V. P. Adaptive formation of beams and images in the atmosphere . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 10. P. 937–944 [in Russian].
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Bibliographic reference

Afonin S. V., Belov V. V., Gridnev Yu. V., Protasov K. T. Passive satellite sensing of the Earth’s surface in the optical wavelength range . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 10. P. 945–949 [in Russian].
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Bibliographic reference

Arshinov M. Yu., Belan B. D., Davydov D. K., Ivlev G. A., Kozlov A. S., Kozlov V. S., Panchenko M. V., Penner I. E., Pestunov D. A., Safatov A. S., Simonenkov D. V., Tolmachev G. N., Fofonov A. V., Shamanaev V. S., Shmargunov V. P. Aircraft laboratory Antonov-30 “Optik-E”: 20-year investigations of the environment . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 10. P. 950–957 [in Russian].
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Bibliographic reference

Makogon M. M., Ponomarev Yu. N., Sinitsa L. N. Development of the laser spectroscopy instrumentation at the Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 10. P. 958–965 [in Russian].
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Bibliographic reference

Banakh V. A., Smalikho I. N., Pichugina E. L., Brewer A. Representativeness of measurements of the turbulence energy dissipation rate by a scanning coherent Doppler lidar . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 10. P. 966–972 [in Russian].
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Bibliographic reference to english version

Banakh V.A., Smalikho I.N., Pichugina E.L., and Brewer W.A. Representativeness of Measurements of the Dissipation Rate of Turbulence Energy by Scanning Doppler Lidar // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2010, V. 23. No. 01. pp. 48–54.
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Bibliographic reference

Lukin V. P., Ilyasov S. P., Nosov V. V., Odintsov S. L., Tillaev Yu. A. The study of astroclimate of the South Siberia and Central Asia regions . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 10. P. 973–980 [in Russian].
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Bibliographic reference

Odintsov S. L. The study of the atmospheric boundary layers by methods of local and remote acoustic diagnostics at the IAO SB RAS . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 10. P. 981–987 [in Russian].
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Bibliographic reference

Fazliev A. Z. Development of the information systems at Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 10. P. 988–992 [in Russian].
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Bibliographic reference

Losev V. F., Zimakov V. P. High-power pulse lasers on dense gases, pumped by the discharge and electron beam . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 10. P. 993–998 [in Russian].
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Bibliographic reference

Andrienko O. S., Gubarev F. A., Dimaki V. A., Ivanov A. I., Levitsky M. E., Sukhanov V. B., Troitskii V. O., Fedorov V. F., Filonov A. G., Shiyanov D. V. New generation of CuBr lasers . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 10. P. 999–1009 [in Russian].
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Bibliographic reference

Banakh V. A., Zhmylevski V. V., Ignat'ev A. B., Morozov V. V., Pogodaev V. A., Tsvyk R. Sh. Measuring systems for investigation of laser radiation propagation along atmospheric paths . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 10. P. 1010–1017 [in Russian].
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