Content of issue 03, volume 1, 1988
Bibliographic reference
Voitsekhovskaya O. K., Zuev V. E., Tyuterev Vl. G. Atmospheric Molecular Spectroscopy Information Retrieval System . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 3-15 [in Russian].
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Nesmelova L. I., Rodimova O. B., Tvorogov S. D. Determination of the Atmospheric Gas Concentration from Spectroscopic Observations in the Band Wings . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 16-19 [in Russian].
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Andreev Yu. M., Geiko P. P., Gribenyukov A. I., Zuev V. V., Romanovskii O. A. The IR Parametric Frequency Converters in the Problems of Atmospheric Laser Spectroscopy . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 20-26 [in Russian].
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Geints Yu. E., Zemlyanov A. A., Pogodaev V. A., Rozhdestvenskii A. E. Semiempirical Model of Water Aerosol Particle Destruction by Laser Pulses . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 27-34 [in Russian].
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Sorokin Yu. M. Ignition Mechanisms of the Low-threshold Breakdown at Surface Absorbing Projections of Aerosol Particles . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 35-41 [in Russian].
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Pustovalov V. K., Khorunzhii I. A. Thermal Distortions of Optical Beam in Bleached Water Aerosol . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 42-49 [in Russian].
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Tobolkin A. S. Two-Dimensional Optical Discharge Temperature Field . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 50-56 [in Russian].
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Kolosov V. V., Kuzikovskii A. V. Investigation of Sound Thermooptical Generation in the Atmosphere . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 57-60 [in Russian].
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Kudryashov A. V., Tikhonov V. A., Shmalgausen V. I. Dynamic Response Functions of Bimorph Mirrors . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 61-65 [in Russian].
Copy the reference to clipboardNaats I. E. On the Theory of Opical Monitoring of the Atmosphere-Underlying Surface System. P. 66-72
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Naats I. E. On the Theory of Opical Monitoring of the Atmosphere-Underlying Surface System . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 66-72 [in Russian].
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Shalina E. V. A Retrieval Procedure for the Reconstruction of the Surface Albedo from Satellite Measurements of the Outgoing Radiation . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 73-78 [in Russian].
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Spasov A. Ya. Remote Sensing Techniques for Sounding Atmosphere, Water and Earth's Surface Being Developed at the Institute of Electronics of Bulgarien Academy of Sciences . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 79-89 [in Russian].
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Kaul B. V., Krasnov O. A., Kuznetsov A. L., Bikmukhametov I. Sh. A Computational Procedure for the Retrieval of the Altitude Profile of the Extinction Coefficient from Laser Sounding Data . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 90-96 [in Russian].
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Voronkov V. N., Zaitseva V. A., Kononovich S. I., Kostykevich S. B., Lovchikova L. P., Plyuta V. E. Aerospace-borne Sounding of Angular Dependence of Reflected Radiation Backscattered by Water Surfaces in the Visible . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 97-103 [in Russian].
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Zamyatin N. V., Klimkin V. M., Chikurov V. A. Single-electron Response of an image Converter Tube with a Microchannel Plate Energized by a Pulsed Power Sourse . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 104-108 [in Russian].
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Borodavko A. I., Vorobei N. P., Gubskii V. I., Denisov S. V., Zaulachnaya Z. I., Ivanov A. P., Koronkevich S. V., Kuryndin S. I., Novik M. I., Rybal'chenko E. V., Slesar' A. S., Slabkov N. E., Sychev A. A., Khlopkov N. S., Chaykovskii A. P., Shishkina M. E., Khmelevtsov S. S., Kaufman Yu. G. Lidar Station for Sounding- Stratospheric Aerosol . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 109-115 [in Russian].
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Boiko S. A., Bondar' A. N., Popov A. I., Putilov Yu. G., Tsybenko S. I. Continuous Control of a Nitric Oxide Based on the Use of a Helium-neon Laser . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 116-118 [in Russian].
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Iskanderov N. A. Response Fluctuations in Noise Opto acoustic Spectroscopy of Multiphoton Transitions . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 119-121 [in Russian].
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Mitev V., Grigorov I., Simeonov V., Tomov P., Georgiev P. I. Raman Lidar and Sounding of Certain Atmospheric Parameters. . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 122-124 [in Russian].
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Rostov A. P. Hardware and Software System for Experimental Work . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 125-126 [in Russian].
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