Content of issue 01, volume 5, 1992
Apresyan L. A., Vlasov D. V. On the backscattering intensification effects in laser sensing through the random boundary of a randomly inhomogeneous medium. P. 1-3PDF
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Apresyan L. A., Vlasov D. V. On the backscattering intensification effects in laser sensing through the random boundary of a randomly inhomogeneous medium . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 01. P. 1-3.
Copy the reference to clipboardMilyutin E. R., Yaremenko Yu. I. Statistical characteristics of scattered solar radiation intensity in the atmosphere. P. 4-11PDF
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Milyutin E. R., Yaremenko Yu. I. Statistical characteristics of scattered solar radiation intensity in the atmosphere . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 01. P. 4-11.
Copy the reference to clipboardTvorogov S. D. On the relationship between the characteristics of light scattered by a macroscopic particle at different angles. P. 12-19PDF
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Tvorogov S. D. On the relationship between the characteristics of light scattered by a macroscopic particle at different angles . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 01. P. 12-19.
Copy the reference to clipboardZubova M. S., Kochanov V. P., Makogon M. M., Sidorenko S. K. Dynamics of the intracavity absorption spectra of a three-level system with an account of a bleaching effect. P. 20-23PDF
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Zubova M. S., Kochanov V. P., Makogon M. M., Sidorenko S. K. Dynamics of the intracavity absorption spectra of a three-level system with an account of a bleaching effect . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 01. P. 20-23.
Copy the reference to clipboardBanakh V. A., Vagner A. Z. Calculation of the variance of the strong intensity fluctuations for light beams propagating in the turbulent atmosphere. P. 24-28PDF
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Banakh V. A., Vagner A. Z. Calculation of the variance of the strong intensity fluctuations for light beams propagating in the turbulent atmosphere . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 01. P. 24-28.
Copy the reference to clipboardGurvich A. S., Ivanov A. P., Kashkarov S. S., Patrushev G. Ya., Rostov A. P. Experimental study of the backscattering intensification effect and intensity fluctuations of a beam reflected from a specular surface. P. 29-32PDF
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Gurvich A. S., Ivanov A. P., Kashkarov S. S., Patrushev G. Ya., Rostov A. P. Experimental study of the backscattering intensification effect and intensity fluctuations of a beam reflected from a specular surface . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 01. P. 29-32.
Copy the reference to clipboardIl'in A. B., Larichev A. R., Sazanovich V. M., Tsvyk R. Sh. Investigation of the refraction channel by a probing beam. P. 33-37PDF
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Il'in A. B., Larichev A. R., Sazanovich V. M., Tsvyk R. Sh. Investigation of the refraction channel by a probing beam . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 01. P. 33-37.
Copy the reference to clipboardKolomiets Yu. N., Lebedev S. S., Semenov L. P. The effect of stimulated Raman scattering on the propagation of laser beams having different profiles in the atmosphere. P. 38-41PDF
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Kolomiets Yu. N., Lebedev S. S., Semenov L. P. The effect of stimulated Raman scattering on the propagation of laser beams having different profiles in the atmosphere . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 01. P. 38-41.
Copy the reference to clipboardAleshkevich V. A., Daneliya I. E., Kozhoridze G. D., Shamonin M. V. Propagation of a probing beam in a random refraction channel in the atmosphere. P. 42-45PDF
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Aleshkevich V. A., Daneliya I. E., Kozhoridze G. D., Shamonin M. V. Propagation of a probing beam in a random refraction channel in the atmosphere . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 01. P. 42-45.
Copy the reference to clipboardAldoshina O. I., Bacherikov V. V., Karkhov A. N., Fabrikov V. A. Bispectral transfer function of the path of signal propagation through a cloud layer. P. 46-49PDF
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Aldoshina O. I., Bacherikov V. V., Karkhov A. N., Fabrikov V. A. Bispectral transfer function of the path of signal propagation through a cloud layer . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 01. P. 46-49.
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Vasil'ev O. B. Determination of spectral optical characteristics of cloud layers . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 01. P. 50-53.
Copy the reference to clipboardVasil'ev O. B. Wavelength dependence of the optical characteristics of cloud layers from the observations made as parts of POLEX-76 and GAREX programs. P. 54-58PDF
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Vasil'ev O. B. Wavelength dependence of the optical characteristics of cloud layers from the observations made as parts of POLEX-76 and GAREX programs . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 01. P. 54-58.
Copy the reference to clipboardAvdyushin S. I., Laktionov A. G., Lutseva N. A., Smerkalov V. A., Suetin V. S., Shutikov S. P. Statistical dependence of outgoing short-wave radiation over the ocean on the cloud amount. P. 59-60PDF
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Avdyushin S. I., Laktionov A. G., Lutseva N. A., Smerkalov V. A., Suetin V. S., Shutikov S. P. Statistical dependence of outgoing short-wave radiation over the ocean on the cloud amount . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 01. P. 59-60.
Copy the reference to clipboardFedorov A. I., Mel'chenko S. V. Formation of the fundamental mode of a XeCl-laser with unstable telescopic resonator formed by partially reflecting output mirror. P. 61-63PDF
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Fedorov A. I., Mel'chenko S. V. Formation of the fundamental mode of a XeCl-laser with unstable telescopic resonator formed by partially reflecting output mirror . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 01. P. 61-63.
Copy the reference to clipboardAshkinadze S. D., Balin A. A., Dolgii S. V., Kol'tsov I. V., Krasovskii A. N., Lyudchik A. M., Neverovich L. Ch., Turyshev L. N., Sharapov S. V. The Pion UV spectrometric ozonometer: rezults of laboratory and field tests and experience of the first operation. P. 64-67PDF
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Ashkinadze S. D., Balin A. A., Dolgii S. V., Kol'tsov I. V., Krasovskii A. N., Lyudchik A. M., Neverovich L. Ch., Turyshev L. N., Sharapov S. V. The Pion UV spectrometric ozonometer: rezults of laboratory and field tests and experience of the first operation . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 01. P. 64-67.
Copy the reference to clipboardLeksina V. N., Ryakhin A. D. Effect of detection noise on the accuracy of speckle interferometry. P. 68-70PDF
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Leksina V. N., Ryakhin A. D. Effect of detection noise on the accuracy of speckle interferometry . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 01. P. 68-70.
Copy the reference to clipboardAlekhin V. I., Zhgunov A. G., Malyukov Yu. A., Ryzhenko A. I., Tarasenko O. A. Some measurements of wind parameters as part of the JABEX-89 program. P. 71-72PDF
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Alekhin V. I., Zhgunov A. G., Malyukov Yu. A., Ryzhenko A. I., Tarasenko O. A. Some measurements of wind parameters as part of the JABEX-89 program . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 01. P. 71-72.
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