Content of issue 05, volume 8, 1995
Sushkevich T. A., Ignat'eva E. L., Maksakova S. V. Method of spherical harmonics: exact three-dimensional models to compute density and flux of optical radiation in natural media. P. 667-686PDF
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Sushkevich T. A., Ignat'eva E. L., Maksakova S. V. Method of spherical harmonics: exact three-dimensional models to compute density and flux of optical radiation in natural media . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 667-686.
Copy the reference to clipboardAndreev S. D., Ivlev L. S., Mikhailov E. F., Kiselev A. A. Optical characteristics of smoke particles. P. 687-692PDF
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Andreev S. D., Ivlev L. S., Mikhailov E. F., Kiselev A. A. Optical characteristics of smoke particles . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 687-692.
Copy the reference to clipboardKabanov D. M., Sakerin S. M., Turchinovich S. A. Automation of solar radiation standard parameters measurements. P. 693-696PDF
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Kabanov D. M., Sakerin S. M., Turchinovich S. A. Automation of solar radiation standard parameters measurements . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 693-696.
Copy the reference to clipboardLoginov S. V. Errors in reconstructing the vertical profile of the aerosol scattering coefficient from the data of sounding of the twilight earth's atmosphere. P. 697-700PDF
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Loginov S. V. Errors in reconstructing the vertical profile of the aerosol scattering coefficient from the data of sounding of the twilight earth's atmosphere . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 697-700.
Copy the reference to clipboardEn'shin A. V. Propagation of biharmonic laser radiation resonant to spin frequencies through atmospheric and inert gases. Part 2. P. 701-705PDF
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En'shin A. V. Propagation of biharmonic laser radiation resonant to spin frequencies through atmospheric and inert gases. Part 2 . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 701-705.
Copy the reference to clipboardZakharova I. G., Karamzin Yu. N., Trofimov V. A. Some problems of compensation for the distortions of optical beams. Self-action and random distortions of profiled beams. P. 706-713PDF
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Zakharova I. G., Karamzin Yu. N., Trofimov V. A. Some problems of compensation for the distortions of optical beams. Self-action and random distortions of profiled beams . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 706-713.
Copy the reference to clipboardBorisov B. D., Krutikov V. A. On remote detection of spatial anomalies of the wavy sea surface. P. 714-723PDF
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Borisov B. D., Krutikov V. A. On remote detection of spatial anomalies of the wavy sea surface . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 714-723.
Copy the reference to clipboardBelov M. L. Lidar return power in the case of sounding the atmosphere along a slightly slant path over foam covered sea surface. P. 724-731PDF
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Belov M. L. Lidar return power in the case of sounding the atmosphere along a slightly slant path over foam covered sea surface . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 724-731.
Copy the reference to clipboardArshinova V. G., Belan B. D., Rasskazchikova T. M. Results of climatic-ecological monitoring at TOR station. 1. Synoptic regime and meteorological parameters. P. 732-740PDF
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Arshinova V. G., Belan B. D., Rasskazchikova T. M. Results of climatic-ecological monitoring at TOR station. 1. Synoptic regime and meteorological parameters . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 732-740.
Copy the reference to clipboardKomarov V. S., Remenson V. A. Global-regional statistical models of the atmosphere as an informational basis for spaceborne observational systems. P. 741-750PDF
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Komarov V. S., Remenson V. A. Global-regional statistical models of the atmosphere as an informational basis for spaceborne observational systems . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 741-750.
Copy the reference to clipboardKirillov N. S., Polovtsev I. G. Optimization of the Schmidt system by the compensation method. P. 751-756PDF
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Kirillov N. S., Polovtsev I. G. Optimization of the Schmidt system by the compensation method . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 751-756.
Copy the reference to clipboardIl'in A. G., Pol'skii Yu. E. Structure and information content of narrow-band noise in lidar heterodyne detection systems. P. 757-761PDF
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Il'in A. G., Pol'skii Yu. E. Structure and information content of narrow-band noise in lidar heterodyne detection systems . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 757-761.
Copy the reference to clipboardIl'in G. I., Morozov O. G., Pol'skii Yu. E., Ternovskov V. T., Khairullin N. G. Source of pulsed excitation energy for lasers of lidars. P. 762-765PDF
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Il'in G. I., Morozov O. G., Pol'skii Yu. E., Ternovskov V. T., Khairullin N. G. Source of pulsed excitation energy for lasers of lidars . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 762-765.
Copy the reference to clipboardGavrilovich A. B. Spectropolarimetric video system for optical investigations of the atmosphere. P. 766-770PDF
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Gavrilovich A. B. Spectropolarimetric video system for optical investigations of the atmosphere . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 766-770.
Copy the reference to clipboardTarashchanskii B. A., Mirgazov R. R., Pochejkin K. A. BURKHAN stationary deep-water meter of hydrooptical parameters. P. 771-774PDF
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Tarashchanskii B. A., Mirgazov R. R., Pochejkin K. A. BURKHAN stationary deep-water meter of hydrooptical parameters . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 771-774.
Copy the reference to clipboardKorshunov V. A. A modification of local estimation of lidar signal by Monte Carlo method with simultaneous simulation of forward and backward photon trajectories. P. 775-781PDF
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Korshunov V. A. A modification of local estimation of lidar signal by Monte Carlo method with simultaneous simulation of forward and backward photon trajectories . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 775-781.
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Isakova A. I., Igonin G. M. Adaptive time filtration of lidar returns . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 782-787.
Copy the reference to clipboardAndreev S. D., Ivlev L. S. Modeling of the aerosol optical characteristics in the atmospheric ground layer within 0.3-15μm spectral range. I. Principles of constructing models. P. 788-795PDF
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Andreev S. D., Ivlev L. S. Modeling of the aerosol optical characteristics in the atmospheric ground layer within 0.3-15μm spectral range. I. Principles of constructing models . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 788-795.
Copy the reference to clipboardVostretsov N. A., Zhukov A. F. On saturation of laser signal fluctuations in snowfall recorded by a nonpoint receiver. P. 796-797PDF
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Vostretsov N. A., Zhukov A. F. On saturation of laser signal fluctuations in snowfall recorded by a nonpoint receiver . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 796-797.
Copy the reference to clipboardRostov A. P. Versatile multi-channel analog-to-digital converter for experimental study of the atmosphere. P. 798-805PDF
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Rostov A. P. Versatile multi-channel analog-to-digital converter for experimental study of the atmosphere . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1995. V. 8. No. 05. P. 798-805.
Copy the reference to clipboard. P. 806PDF