Content of issue 10, volume 30, 2017
Bibliographic reference
Firsov K. M., Chesnokova T. Yu., Razmolov A. A., Chentsov A. V. Contribution of water vapour continual absorption to shortwave fluxes of solar radiation in the Earth’s atmosphere with cirrus cloudiness . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 10. P. 813–820. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20171001 [in Russian].
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Firsov K.M., Chesnokova T.Yu., Razmolov A.A. and Chentsov A.V. Contribution of the Water Vapor Continuum Absorption to Shortwave Solar Fluxes in the Earth’s Atmosphere with Cirrus Cloudiness. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2018, V. 31. No. 01. pp. 1–8.
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Odintsov S. L., Gladkikh V. A., Kamardin A. P., Mamyshev V. P., Nevzorova I. V. Estimates of the refractive index and regular refraction of optical waves in the atmospheric boundary layer. Part 1. Refractive index . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 10. P. 821–828. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20171002 [in Russian].
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Odintsov S.L., Gladkikh V.A., Kamardin A.P., Mamyshev V.P. and Nevzorova I.V. Estimates of the Refractive Index and Regular Refraction of Optical Waves in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer: Part 1, Refractive Index. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2018, V. 31. No. 05. pp. 437–444.
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Odintsov S. L., Gladkikh V. A., Kamardin A. P., Mamyshev V. P., Nevzorova I. V. Estimates of the refractive index and regular refraction of optical waves in the atmospheric boundary layer. Part 2. Refraction of laser beams . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 10. P. 829–833. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20171003 [in Russian].
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Odintsov S.L., Gladkikh V.A., Kamardin A.P., Mamyshev V.P. and Nevzorova I.V. Estimates of the Refractive Index and Regular Refraction of Optical Waves in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer: Part 2, Laser Beam Refraction. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2018, V. 31. No. 05. pp. 445–450.
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Zhuravleva T. B., Panchenko M. V., Kozlov V. S., Nasrtdinov I. M., Pol'kin V. V., Terpugova S. A., Chernov D. G. Model estimates of the dynamics of solar radiation absorption vertical structure and temperature effects under background conditions and in extreme smoke haze from data of airborne observations . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 10. P. 834–839. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20171004 [in Russian].
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Zhuravleva T.B., Panchenko M.V., Kozlov V.S., Nasrtdinov I.M., Pol’kin V.V., Terpugova S.A. and Chernov D.G. Model Estimates of Dynamics of the Vertical Structure of Solar Absorption and Temperature Effects under Background Conditions and in Extremely Smoke-Laden Atmosphere According to Data of Aircraft Observations. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2018, V. 31. No. 01. pp. 24–30.
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Kolokutin G. E., Volkov V. V. Microphysical mechanisms of glory according to airplane measurements . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 10. P. 840–845. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20171005 [in Russian].
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Kolokutin G.E. and Volkov V.V. The Microphysical Nature of the Glory from Aircraft Measurements. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2018, V. 31. No. 02. pp. 157–162.
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Kozlov V. S., Rakhimov R. F., Shmargunov V. P. Variability of condensation properties of the mixed smoke from biomass burning at different stages of its evolution . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 10. P. 846–855. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20171006 [in Russian].
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Kozlov V.S., Rakhimov R.F. and Shmargunov V.P. Variations in Condensation Properties of Mixed Smoke from Biomass Burning at Different Smoke Evolution Stages. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2018, V. 31. No. 01. pp. 9–18.
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Bibliographic reference
Paramonov L. E. Estimation of optical properties of “soft” radially inhomogeneous ellipsoidal particles . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 10. P. 856–861. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20171007 [in Russian].
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Paramonov L.E. Estimation of Optical Properties of “Soft” Radially Inhomogeneous Ellipsoidal Particles. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2018, V. 31. No. 01. pp. 19–24.
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Poddubnyi V. A., Dubinkina E. S. The problem of fluid location of the atmosphere for the estimation of pollution fields and retrieval of source . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 10. P. 862–870. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20171008 [in Russian].
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Belan B. D., Simonenkov D. V., Talovskaya A. V., Tentyukov M. P., Fofonov A. V., Yazikov E. G. Сomparative estimation of the geochemical activity of the atmosphere based on the ratios of the compositions of different aerosol fractions in the surface air layer at the "Fonovaya" observatory: measurement campaign of autumn 2016 . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 10. P. 871–877. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20171009 [in Russian].
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Belan B.D., Simonenkov D.V., Talovskaya A.V., Tentyukov M.P., Fofonov A.V. and Yazikov E.G. Comparative Estimation of Geochemical Activity of the Atmosphere according to the Ratio of Compositions of Different Near-Ground Aerosol Fractions at the Fonovaya Observatory in Autumn 2016. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2018, V. 31. No. 01. pp. 36–42.
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Raputa V. F., Popova S. A., Makarov V. I., Yaroslavtseva T. V. Determination of organic and elemental carbon connections on removal segments of atmospheric impurities . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 10. P. 878–882. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20171010 [in Russian].
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Burachenko A. G., Tarasenko V. F., Kostyrya I. D., Baksht E. H. Formation of diffuse jets and runaway electrons in the air, SF6, and helium at low pressures . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 10. P. 883–887. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20171011 [in Russian].
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Burachenko A.G., Tarasenko V.F., Kostyrya I.D. and Baksht E.Kh. Generation of Diffuse Jets and Runaway Electron Beams in Air, SF6, and Helium at Low Pressures. // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2018, V. 31. No. 01. pp. 96–100.
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Petukhov T. D., Evtushenko G. S., Tel'minov E. N. Amplified spontaneous emission on sodium D-lines using nonresonant optical pumping . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 10. P. 888–892. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20171012 [in Russian].
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Petukhov T.D., Evtushenko G.S. and Tel’minov E.N. Amplified Spontaneous Emission on Sodium D-lines Using Nonresonant Optical Pumping . // Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2018, V. 31. No. 01. pp. 101–105.
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Lavrinov V. V. Dynamic control of adaptive optics correction of turbulent distortions in laser beams . // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 10. P. 893–901. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20171013 [in Russian].
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