Vol. 38, issue 02, article # 4
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The results of microwave observations of ozone in the middle atmosphere at Apatity (67° N, 33° E) in winter 2022/2023, during a period of high solar activity in the 25th cycle, are presented. A mobile ozonemeter with an operating frequency of 110.8 GHz was used in the measurements. The device had a single-sideband noise temperature of 2500 K, which made it possible to track variations in O3 with a 15-min resolution in the middle atmosphere. Estimates of the ozone vertical profile at altitudes of 22–60 km have been made. These results were compared with satellite MLS/Aura data on the altitude profiles of ozone and temperature. This report discusses the behavior of ozone in February–March 2023. Ozone variations took place during the sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) which occurred in mid-February and was accompanied by an extraordinary increase in the total ozone content (TOC) from 240 to 500 DU. The limits of ozone changes at altitudes of 25, 40, and 60 km are given. The influence of the intense geomagnetic disturbance (storm) on March 23–24 on the daily variation in ozone at an altitude of 60 km is discussed.
ozone of middle atmosphere, dynamic change, microwave radiometry, polar latitudes, solar activity
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