Vol. 36, issue 11, article # 2

Golobokova L. P., Berdashkinova O. I., Loskutova M. A., Rize D. D., Onischuk N. A., Sakerin S. M., Turchinovich Yu. S. Long-term studies of aerosol chemical composition of the atmosphere at „Cape Baranov Ice Base“ station. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 11. P. 874–882. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20231102 [in Russian].
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The chemical composition of aerosol in the atmosphere of the research station „Cape Baranov Ice Base“ (Severnaya Zemlya archipelago) collected in 2017–2022 is studied. The interannual and seasonal dynamics of ions and trace elements in the aerosol composition is analyzed in detail. A 1.5-fold increase in the annual mean concentrations of the sum of ions is traced. The growth of the sum of ions was mainly due to the concentrations of ions of marine origin Na+ and Cl-, the content of which is minimal in summer and maximal in winter. The variability of concentrations of non-marine ions NH4+, K+, Ca2+, F-, NO2 i NO3differed from the seasonal course of concentrations of Na+ and Cl- and consisted in a decrease during the transition from winter to spring season and an increase in the summer period with a subsequent decrease in autumn against the background of an increase in the sum of ions at the expense of ions of marine origin. Formation of aerosol ion composition is affected by the marine factor, air mass transport, underlying surface, and wildfires. Among trace elements, Fe, Al, Zn, Mn, Sn, Cr, and Cu dominated with high concentrations in the fall and winter periods. Based on enrichment factors, elements of terrigenous (Al, Ti, Mn, Fe, Th, U), mixed terrigenous and non-terrigenous (Li, Be, V, Co, Sr, Ba), and non-terrigenous origin (Ni, Cu, Zn, Cr, Mo, Mo, W, Ag, Tl, Pb, As, Se, Cd, Sn, Sb) are identified. In winter and autumn periods, Fe and Mn have the highest contribution to the total level of air pollution, while in spring and summer, Fe and Be. Among non-terrigenic elements, Cu, Sn, Zn, Se and Ni had increased contribution in all seasons. The level of atmospheric pollution by trace elements at the station „Cape Baranov Ice Base“ is assessed as low.


Arctic, aerosol, ions, trace elements


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