Vol. 32, issue 05, article # 6

Filei A. A. Determination of cloud phase using MSU-MR measurements on-board Meteor-M N 2. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 05. P. 376–380. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20190506 [in Russian].
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The work presents the algorithm for determining cloud phase using the MSU-MR daily measurements on-board the Russian meteorological satellite Meteor-M N 2. The physical principles of the determination of cloud phase by using the reflectance at wavelengths of 1.6 and 3.7 mm and brightness temperatures at 11 and 12 mm are considered. The results of determining cloud phase with the algorithm presented are compared with the results of the algorithms developed for other satellite radiometers. The accuracy of the comparison is over 80%. The greatest inaccuracies are observed for thin semitransparent clouds because to additional radiation coming from the underlying surface, as well as for mixed clouds due to the specificity of the algorithm presented.


MSU-MR, optical depth, effective radius, cloud phase, cloudiness


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