Vol. 30, issue 05, article # 8

Vasiliev M. S., Nikolashkin S. V. Correlations of latitudinal dynamics of atmospheric moisture content with quasi-biennial oscillations of zonal wind in the equatorial stratosphere and solar activity over the north-east of Eurasia during 1979–2015. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 05. P. 409–413. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20170508 [in Russian].
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Correlations of latitudinal dynamics of the atmospheric moisture content (W) with quasi-biennial oscillations (QBO) of zonal wind in the equatorial stratosphere and solar activity over the north-east of Eurasia during 1979–2015 are analyzed with the use of data of AERONET sun-sky photometers (st. Yakutsk, st. Tomsk, st. Irkutsk, and st. Dalanzadgad) and ERA-Interim reanalysis, based on the regular meteorological observations, aerological and satellite information. Reliably significant correlation is found between the mean annual values of W and QBO during its eastern phase. At the same time, variations in W, depending on latitude, reveal the fundamental cycles of solar activity (Schwabe, Hale, and Bruckner).


moisture content of the atmosphere, sun-sky photometer, solar activity, quasi-biennial oscillation, troposphere, stratosphere, reanalysis


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