Vol. 2, issue 01, article # 2

Lukin I. P. Fluctuations of optical waves reflected by a mirror in the scattering atmosphere. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1989. V. 2. No. 01. P. 13-18.    PDF
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Theoretical study of statistical properties of frequency-separated waves propagating through discrete scatterers is reported. Within the framework of the continuous medium approximation variances and the amplitude logarithm and phase fluctuation correlation functions of Gaussian beams are calculated on the basis of the smooth perturbation method. It is shown that the mirror reflection of the beams, whose initial cross-section is smaller than the characteristic size of scatterers, increases the ampli-tude logarithm and phase fluctuations and improves the frequency correlation of those quantities. The domain, where these effects are found to occur, is determined by the scatterer radius.


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