Vol. 1, issue 03, article # 14

Voronkov V. N., Zaitseva V. A., Kononovich S. I., Kostykevich S. B., Lovchikova L. P., Plyuta V. E. Aerospace-borne Sounding of Angular Dependence of Reflected Radiation Backscattered by Water Surfaces in the Visible. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 97-103.
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Airborne and space-born measurements of outgoing radiation in the 0.4-0.8mm spectral range are discussed. Spectral radiance and degree of polarization of the ocean - atmosphere radiation system as a function of visual angles (0-50°) were derived for altitudes of 1,3 and 6 km. Variation of spectral brightness emitted by the atmosphere-ocean system with visual (160-0-46°) and zenith (5-90°) angles is examined.