Vol. 1, issue 03, article # 8

Kolosov V. V., Kuzikovskii A. V. Investigation of Sound Thermooptical Generation in the Atmosphere. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1988. V. 1. No. 03. P. 57-60.
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The sound generation in the atmosphere by the amplitude modulated laser beam heating was theoretically and experimentally investigated. The predicted possibilities of measuring the effective diameter of a beam and the absorption coefficient of the atmosphere have been confirmed. The results of investigating the absorption coefficient field at the wave length, of 10.6mm indicates its essential space-time variability caused by relatively quick fluctuations with the time correlation ~1 s, more slowly variations in the scales of the order of minutes and hours, and the changes explicitly resulted from optical weather. The atmosphere after the rain is characterized, for example, by a relatively low mean absorption level and weak fluctuations. Although the method does not distinguish the aerosol and gas absorptions, the data obtained enable one to assume the responsibility of the aerosol for the absorption field fluctuations in the spectral range of 10.6mm.