Vol. 5, issue 05, article # 13

Kovalev V. A. Functional relations between total scattering and backscattering for retrieving the profile of the attenuation coefficient in the atmosphere from lidar-sensing data. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 05. P. 349-351.    PDF
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The possibility of using a variable along a sensing path backscattering phase function in lidar data processing with the goal of increasing the accuracy of retrieving the profile of the attenuation coefficient in the inhomogeneous atmosphere is analyzed. Approximated dependences of the total aerosol scattering on aerosol backscattering are given based on the published experimental data. By way of example, the model profiles of the attenuation coefficient are given retrieved with the use of the scattering phase functions being constant and variable along the sensing path.