Vol. 37, issue 05, article # 2

Starikov V. I., Petrova T. M., Solodov A. M., Solodov A. A., Dеichuli V. M. Wind effect in H2O absorption lines perturbed by He, Ar, Kr, and Xe pressure. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 05. P. 363–369. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240502 [in Russian].
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The influence of two factors on the contour of an absorption line of water vapor molecule in a mixture with helium, argon, krypton, and xenon is studied: the dependence of the broadening coefficients g and shifting coefficient δ on the velocity va of the absorbing H2O molecule (wind effect) and the change in the velocity of H2O upon collision with these atoms. Three absorption lines of H2O molecule from ν+ ν+ ν3 band with different rotational quantum numbers of the initial quantum state were chosen for the study.


line profile, wind effect, Н2О, He, Ar, Kr, Xe



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