Vol. 30, issue 10, article # 10

Raputa V. F., Popova S. A., Makarov V. I., Yaroslavtseva T. V. Determination of organic and elemental carbon connections on removal segments of atmospheric impurities. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 10. P. 878–882. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20171010 [in Russian].
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A joint analysis of elemental and organic carbon daily measurements and wind directions in settlement Klyutchi of the Novosibirsk region is conducted. The close linear correlations between the components for the certain removal segments are determined. There are significant antropogenic sources of carbon-containing impurities in these segments. The background component of organic carbon was detected in some sectors.


particulate matter, organic carbon, elemental carbon, linear correlation, removal segment, source-receptor


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