Vol. 27, issue 01, article # 12

Surkova G. V., Blinov D. V., Kirsanov A. A., Revokatova A. P., Rivin G. S. Simulation of air pollution distribution from forest fires using the chemical-transport model COSMO-Ru7-ART. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 01. P. [in Russian].
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Methods of calculating the emission of pollutants from forest fires, designed to adjust the input to the simulation of the propagation of atmospheric pollutants, applied to cases of fires in the center of the European Russia in August 2010. It is based on the type of vegetation and its biomass. It allows us to estimate the appropriate emission factor, and with the known (or assumed) fire area and duration, to model the spread of a fire plume taking into account the physical and chemical transformation of pollutants in the atmosphere. Numerical experiments are performed using the chemical transport model COSMO-Ru7-ART. Verification of the results demonstrates the ability of the model to calculate realistic plume shape and values for the concentration of pollutants in the surface layer.


atmospheric pollutants, modeling, fires


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