Vol. 26, issue 01, article # 10

Bobrovnikov S. M., Gorlov E. V., Zharkov V. I. Experimental estimation of the sensitivity of the UV Raman lidar. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 01. P. 70-74 [in Russian].
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The experimental results on remote detection of vapor of a number of chemical compounds in the atmosphere using the Raman lidar system with the narrow line eximer KrF laser and multichannel spectrum analyzer, based on diffraction spectrograph and intensified CCD camera, are presented. The sensitivity evaluation of the system with sensing range 6-10 m is given. Using additional suppression of the intense Raman bands of the molecules N2 and O2 the threshold of detection of 1 ppm is reached. The experimentally registered bands of the overtones of oxygen and nitrogen in the Raman spectrum of the atmosphere are demonstrated. The absence of the fluorescence and the Raman signals overlapping is confirmed experimentally.


lidar, Raman scattering, gas analysis, atmosphere