Vol. 11, issue 02-03, article # 31

Voronov V. I., Soldatov A. N., Sukhanov V. B., Yudin N. A. Copper-vapor-laser-based medical facility for use in dermatology. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1998. V. 11. No. 02-03. P. 211-213.    PDF
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We describe here a medical facility based on copper-vapor laser and intended for use in dermatology. The mean power of the Cu-vapor laser emission at the output end of a transportation optical waveguide is about 5 W. The facility described provides for isolation of either yellow (578.2 nm) or green (510.6) emission as well as smooth regulation of the output power. The exposure time available for irradiation may be varied from 1 to 9999 seconds.