Vol. 7, issue 11-12, article # 26

Kolobov V. I., Levchenko A. N., Teleganov A. A., Tikhomirov A. A., Shapiro I. Ya., Cherepanov A. P., Yatskeev Yu. F. Laser densitometer for measuring the mass concentration of dust. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1994. V. 7. No. 11-12. P. 879-881.    PDF
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In this paper we present a description of a laser densitometer, its characteristics, and results of its metrological tests. This densitometer has been designed for measuring the mass concentration of dust. It uses photometric principle insrtumentally performed in a multipass cell. The range of mass concentration values detectable with the densitometer is from 3 to 18 mg/m3, the rms deviation of measurements being 25 per cent.