Vol. 5, issue 06, article # 5

Belan B. D., El'nikov A. V., Zuev V. V., Zuev V. E., Makienko E. V., Marichev V. N. Results of investigations of the optical and microstructural characteristics of stratospheric aerosol using the method of lidar measurement inversion over Tomsk in summer, 1991. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 06. P. 373-378.    PDF
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A layer of intensified aerosol scattering in the lower stratosphere has been found and its dynamics has been studied during the lidar monitoring of the troposphere and stratosphere at the High- Altitude Sounding Station of the Institute of Atmospheric Optics in Tomsk in July, 1991. The synoptic situation accompanying the layer appearance has been analyzed. The particle size distribution function, particle number density in the layer under study, and the aerosol scattering coefficients in the spectral interval 0.3–0.7 μm have been found using the method of inverse problem based on the measurements of the aerosol backscattering coefficient at the wavelengths of 0.353 and 0.532 μm.