Vol. 4, issue 03, article # 1

Pokrovskii O. M. Determination of the informational characteristics of systems for remote sensing from space. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 03. P. 227-241.    PDF
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We have analyzed the main objects of iterest in ecological monitoring from space. A classification of user requirements for satellite information needed for the solution of various applied problems of the national economy is given. A comparison of these requirements with the characteristics of the available instrumentation intended for use onboard meteorological satellites and satellites employed in the exploration of natural resources is presented. Optimizing against the criterion of maximum information content has allowed us to select out the four sets of spectral sounding channels best suited for solving problems in the following four areas: oceanology, hydrology, geology, and forestry and agriculture. A mathematical economic model is also proposed that allows one to differentiate the spectral channels according to their degree of economic efficiency.