Vol. 38, issue 03, article # 9
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An original method is proposed for calculating turbulent parameters in an atmospheric boundary layer using an unsteady 3D turbulence model and algebraic relations for Reynolds stresses and turbulent heat fluxes. A mesoscale model with such parameterization of turbulence in the boundary layer has been tested on measurements made using meteorological instruments of the Basic Experimental Complex of IAO SB RAS. The daily dynamics of the vertical distribution of some turbulent parameters for the conditions of Tomsk is analyzed. A comparison of calculations with measurements shows that the model well predicts vertical profiles of temperature and horizontal wind speed and direction. However, for conditions where the surface is covered with snow, further research is needed to account the interaction of APS with the surface in the model. The developed turbulence model can be used in calculations of atmospheric boundary layer parameters with high horizontal resolution (grid size 100–1000 m).
numerical weather prediction, mesoscale model TSUNM3, turbulence structure, atmospheric boundary layer
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