Vol. 38, issue 03, article # 7

Belyayeva A. V., Vetrov A. L., Kalinin N. A., Frick P. G., Shchapov V. A. Application of Landsat satellite data to estimation of the effect of urban development on land surface temperature distribution. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2025. V. 38. No. 03. P. 206–213. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20250307 [in Russian].
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It is well known that the surface temperature in large cities differs from that of the surrounding area. However, the influence of geometric characteristics of urban areas on the spatial distribution of land surface temperature is poorly studied. This paper, which aimed at solving a scientific problem in the field of urban climatology, presents the results of the analysis of the land surface temperature in four Russian cities with millions of inhabitants performed using Landsat 8 satellite data on cloudless days from May to September 2013–2022. First, the robustness of the urban temperature distribution to relatively weak changes in meteorological conditions is studied. Second, morphological characteristics such as building density, building height, and elevation of terrain were considered as factors that have potential influence on urban surface temperature distribution. The results of the analysis have shown the stability of the temperature field to meteorological conditions, as well as a high correlation between temperature and building density for cities with low-hilly and hilly surface relief. For Krasnoyarsk, characterized by a high degree of heterogeneity of terrain relief, such regularities are not revealed. It is shown that the factor of local temperature growth deserves attention when designing residential areas in large cities with relatively flat relief. The results can provide an opportunity to improve the quality of climate services and the quality of life of the population in urbanized regions.


Landsat-8, surface temperature, urban heat island, urban morphology



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