Vol. 38, issue 03, article # 1

Myshkin V. F., Khan V. A., Balandin S. F., Wang Cailun., Sosnovsky S. A. Effect of clusters of air nanobubbles on propagation of optical pulses in water. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2025. V. 38. No. 03. P. 165–171. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20250301 [in Russian].
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The development of mineral resources of the world ocean puts forward the task of using high-speed communication channels between two underwater objects. Optical radiation provides the highest transmission speed. However, the turbidity of natural water systems varies in a wide range. Therefore, it is relevant to study the influence of various components of water suspension on the conditions of laser pulse transmission. The paper presents the results of simulation of the propagation of optical pulses at a wavelength of 0.514 mm with a duration of 2 ns in water containing only clusters of nanobubbles. It is shown that the maximum flux of radiation scattered on clusters of nanobubbles at the entrance to the receiver does not exceed 10% of the radiation flux that passed without scattering along a path up to 150 m long. At the same time, an increase in pulse width at half-height does not exceed 30%. The limitation of the path length in water containing only clusters of nanobubbles is due to attenuation. Further studies are related to the investigation of the influence of organic and inorganic suspended matter on the propagation of laser radiation in water.


underwater optical communication, laser pulse, dispersion, scattering, attenuation, suspension, nanobubble clusters


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