Vol. 38, issue 02, article # 9

Abouellail Abdelmeguid Fathy Ahmed., Lugovskoy A. A., Trigub M. V. Optical inspection of surfaces under large strains using digital image correlation. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2025. V. 38. No. 02. P. 146–151. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20250209 [in Russian].
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Surface inspection under large strains is a critical problem for both civil and mechanical engineering. Optical techniques can be used for its solution. Digital image correlation (DIC) is one of these promising optical techniques. It is used to measure displacement and strain fields without contact with the specimen surface. Input parameters can directly affect the strain field calculation accuracy. The correlation method is a key parameter in strain field calculation based on DIC, especially under large strains. In this work, three spatial and incremental methods are tested; their accuracy and applicability are estimated; their advantages and drawbacks are discussed. The results can be useful for the developments of means for non-destructive testing.


Digital Image Correlation, optical inspection of surfaces, large strain, incremental calculation, decorrelation problem



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