Vol. 38, issue 01, article # 2

Musikhin I. D., Kapustin V. V., Movchan A. K., Poznaharev E. S., Kuryachy M. I., Tislenko A. A., Zabuga S. A. Influence of inhomogeneous optical radiation propagation media on the accuracy of space depth mapping by multi-zone active-pulse television measuring systems. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2025. V. 38. No. 01. P. 15–23. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20250102 [in Russian].
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The paper evaluates the effect of backscattering interference (BI) on the forms of measuring functions of active pulse television measuring systems (AP TMS) in terms of range. Methods for retrieving the shape of the AP TMS range measuring function in translucent media have been developed. To minimize the effect of BI, methods of calculating and subtracting coefficients, as well as a method of removing the constant component of the spectrum are suggested. The proposed methods were tested with 30 experimental video record obtained in a large aerosol chamber (LAC) for two multi-zone range measurement methods and five meteorological media. The best result was achieved when using the method of calculating and subtracting coefficients for video record with the operation of AP TMS in the multi-area range measuring mode (MARMM): the average SD was reduced by 4.5 times.


inhomogeneous medium optical radiation propagation, active pulse television measuring system, normalized depth map, retrieval of measuring function form


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