Vol. 37, issue 09, article # 8
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The influence of synoptic conditions at the 700 hPa isobaric surface on meteorological regime and melt of the Sygyktinsky glacier (Kodar Range) in the 2021 ablation season was studied. Totally 15 weather types were classified using the Jenkinson and Collison method. It was found that the most frequent types are cyclones (24%) and anticyclones (20%). A significant dependence of the meteorological regime of the glacier on synoptic conditions was revealed. Anticyclonic types are characterized by high temperatures and low relative humidity and cloudiness. For cyclonic types, the opposite relations are observed. It was found that the radiation regime on the glacier and its melting rate depend on synoptic conditions. The greatest contribution to melting was made by anticyclonic weather types (44%), and the least by cyclonic types (26%). The net radiation of the glacier in anticyclones was 2–2.5 times greater than in cyclones, and the ablation rate was 1.6–1.8 times greater. The differences between the energy fluxes used for glacier melting under different synoptic patterns are explained by the cloudiness. The different atmospheric circulation regimes over the Kodar significantly affected the deglaciation of the Kodar glaciers in recent decades.
Kodar Range, atmospheric circulation, glacier melting, Jenkinson and Collison classification
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