Vol. 37, issue 09, article # 5
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The relationships between variations in the residual gas content in discs of coniferous and deciduous trees growing in and around Tomsk (southeastern Western Siberia) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) were analyzed. The results of the work showed that (1) air temperature in Tomsk region significantly correlated with the NAO index; (2) the cross-spectral analysis of the chronologies of gas components of the deciduous tree discs with the air temperature during the growing season indicated the coherent fluctuations around a 4-year cycle; (3) the correlation coefficients of the NAO index with the chronologies of CO2 (CO2 + H2O), and the ring width of the six (of eight) tree discs were found. Based on the results, it is concluded that the North Atlantic Oscillation can affect the life activity of some Siberian tree species (on a 4-year time scale).
North Atlantic Oscillation, CO2, (CO2 + H2O), tree rings, cyclicity
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