Vol. 37, issue 07, article # 7
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This work is devoted to the issues of remote monitoring of atmospheric gas concentrations using the example of carbon monoxide over the oil and gas producing territories of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug with a high concentration of fuel combustion sources. The analysis of the variability of carbon monoxide (CO) content in the atmosphere over an oil-polluted area in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is performed based on satellite sensing data (Terra/MOPITT). The daily and seasonal dynamics of the integral content and surface concentration of CO are studied. The average CO content (integral and surface) in the oil-polluted area exceeds similar values in the background area, both in general for the warm period of the year and for most months. There are no significant differences in the CO content above the background and contaminated areas, which may be due to the mixing of air masses; however, the average CO content (integral and ground level) in the contaminated area exceeds similar values in the background area, which is explained by the presence of stationary CO sources in the former, including flare units.
carbon monoxide, MOPPIT satellite data, troposphere, flare, stationary source, associated petroleum gas
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