Vol. 37, issue 07, article # 6
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Comparison of results of satellite measurements by results of independent measurements is an esencial and necessary component of validation of satellite data, justifying their use for scientific and practical tasks. The work compares the results of spectrometric measurements of the NO2 content in the atmosphere by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) in 2004–2020 with the results of ground-based twilight zenith measurements at 14 stations of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC). Latitudinal distributions of quantitative characteristics of the comparison have been obtained, including the NO2 contents, their differences, and correlation and linear regression coefficients between the satellite and ground-based data. Criteria for validation of interannual and long-term changes in NO2 derived from the OMI data with the help of ground-based measurements are proposed. The latitudinal – hemispheric and regional – features of the correspondence between the satellite and ground-based data have been revealed. Significantly new results have been obtained on the dependence of the comparison characteristics on the level of pollution of the lower troposphere with nitrogen oxides and on the time scale of NO2 variations: day-to-day, seasonal and interannual. The results will be useful in analysis of NO2 variability based on OMI data. The continuation of this work may be a comparison of the results of the analysis of interannual variations and long-term NO2 trends obtained on the basis of the OMI and ground-based measurement data.
nitrogen dioxide, spectrometric measurements, OMI, NDACC, comparison
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