Vol. 37, issue 07, article # 2
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Accurate measurements of the concentration of nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas, in the Earth's atmosphere are important for modeling the radiation balance of our planet. The work presents the measured broadening and shift coefficients of N2O lines by air pressure at room temperature for 82 rovibrational transitions in the (0002) ← (0000) band; the rotational quantum number m varies from 3 to 54. The measurements were carried out on an IFS-125M Fourier transform spectrometer with a spectral resolution of 0.0056 cm-1. The calculated line-broadening and shift coefficients were obtained using a semi-classical method modified by introducing a correction factor in the calculation scheme. Our parameters are compared with those presented in the literature and in modern spectroscopic databases. A vibrational dependence of the line half-widths for the n3 stretching vibration was revealed.
line profile parameter, line broadening, halfwidth, line shift, nitrous oxide
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