Vol. 37, issue 07, article # 1

Borkov Yu. G., Sulakshina O. N., Serdyukov V. I., Sinitsa L. N. Spectrum of 14N17O isotopologue in the region 5200–5550 cm-1. Spectroscopic parameters for v = 3 state. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 07. P. 539–545. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240701 [in Russian].
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The absorption spectrum of the 14N17O molecule in the range 5200–5550 cm-1 was recorded for the first time using a Bruker IFS-125M Fourier spectrometer with a spectral resolution of 0.0056 cm-1. An analysis of the spectrum made it possible to detect 83 vibrational-rotational lines of the 3–0 band of the main transitions in the X2Π electronic state of the 14N17O molecule. For 29 resolved doublets, the positions and relative intensities of each component of a doublet are determined. The spectroscopic Λ-parameters are found. For the remaining 25 unresolved doublets, the positions and relative intensities of the doublet center are also determined. The maximum of the rotational quantum number J was 24.5. The found experimental line positions in the 3–0 band confirmed the calculated data given in the ExoMol database. The frequencies of registered transitions weighted in accordance with experimental uncertainties have been processed, and the spectroscopic constants for the vibrational state v = 3 have been determined. With the found spectroscopic constants, predictive calculations were made of the rotational energy term values up to J = 30.5 in the vibrational state v = 3 and, accordingly, the transition frequencies of the 3–0 vibrational band for 2Π1/2 and 2Π3/2 electronic states. The calculations performed showed agreement with the data given in the ExoMol database, within the error specified.


14N17O isotopologue, experimental spectrum, vibration band 3–0, transition frequency, relative intensity, spectroscopic constant



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