Vol. 37, issue 06, article # 8

Valiulin S. V., Onischuk A. A., Baklanov A. M., Karasev V. V., Dul'tseva G. G. Aerosol measuring complex. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 06. P. 496-501. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240608 [in Russian].
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The measurement complex including diffusion aerosol spectrometer, optical aerosol spectrometer, and aerosol mass concentration meter has been developed and manufactured at the Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion SB RAS. Laboratory tests of the instruments included in the measurement complex were carried out using standard test systems. Comparison of measured particle size values with the data obtained by independent methods (transmission electron microscopy and measurement of particle sedimentation velocity) revealed their good agreement. It is demonstrated that the measuring complex is suitable for determining concentrations and sizes of aerosol particles within wide ranges with the real-time presentation of results both in laboratory and in situ experiments.


aerosol, particle concentration, aerosol optical spectrometer, aerosol diffusion spectrometer, mean particle size


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