Vol. 37, issue 06, article # 6
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Infectious diseases affecting the respiratory system are currently a serious medical problem. One of the ways to increase the effectiveness of therapy for such diseases is targeted delivery of drugs. This approach requires the development of new methods for generating aerosols of drugs, with the help of which it is possible to obtain particles with sizes that allow them to penetrate into specified areas of the respiratory system. In this work, a method for generating dry aerosol particles based on ultrasonic spraying of a drug solution is proposed and implemented. Using the example of a solution of the medicinal antifungal substance fluconazole, it is shown that this method enables generating aerosol with a stable concentration and an average size of particles for more than 2 hours. The resulting aerosol has optimal inhalation parameters: size from 1 to 1.9 microns and count concentration of 70,000 ± 6500 cm-3. The presented method makes it possible to further study the biological effect of aerosols of drugs.
aerosol, particle generator, inhalation, fluconazole, aerosol optical spectrometer
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