Vol. 37, issue 05, article # 5

Kustova N. V., Konoshonkin A. V., Borovoy A. G. Polarization surges near the backscattering direction for a single randomly oriented particle with an irregular shape. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 05. P. 386–392. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240505 [in Russian].
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In this article, we have calculated light backscattering by large irregularly shaped particles with random orientations. We have utilized the physical optics approximation to analyze this phenomenon. Our findings demonstrate that there is a distinct polarization surge in the degree of linear polarization, which arises from coherent backscattering. The sign of the polarization surge for pairs of conjugate beams can vary, being either negative or positive, depending on the light beam trajectorie which significantly contribute to the backscattering process. By summing up these surges, we have concluded that the well-known phenomenon of negative polarization not necessarily occur when a single particle scatters light in the vicinity of the backscattering direction.


light scattering, physical optics method, Mueller matrix, coherent backscattering, negative polarization, conjugate beams



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