Vol. 37, issue 05, article # 3
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The results of long-term measurements of the atmospheric turbulence characteristics in the Sayan Solar Observatory (SSO) in summer 2023 are presented. It is confirmed that the cause of the prevailing direction of local winds appearing in SSO is temperature mountain-valley gradient between the Sayan Mountains north of the SSO observatory and the valley to the south. A smaller level of the mean intensity of atmospheric turbulence in SSO compared to the turbulence over flat terrain in middle latitudes is confirmed. The presence of coherent turbulence in the SSO area is shown, at which the quality of images obtained by optical instruments is improved. New data are obtained for the turbulent scales of temperature and wind speed depending on the atmospheric stratification.
turbulence, astroclimate, stratification, turbulent scale, turbulence coherence, image quality
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