Vol. 37, issue 05, article # 11

Kurbatova M. M., Ignatov R. Yu., Rubinshtein K. G. Universal procedure for lightning data assimilation in atmospheric numerical models of the atmosphere. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 05. P. 431–437. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240511 [in Russian].
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The paper considers the possibilities of taking into account data from lightning networks in the procedure for lightning data assimilation in numerical models of atmospheric dynamics. A universal procedure is proposed and the code is implemented within the framework of the WRF-ARW model. According to the data from lightning detection networks, the cells of the computational grid are determined, in which lightning was recorded. Then moisture is iteratively added in these cells until the occurrence of thermodynamic instability and, hence, convection. The effect of using this scheme on the forecast of precipitation, temperature, and humidity is studied, and a comparison is made with other lightning assimilation methods. The use of data from lightning detectors makes it possible to locally improve the forecast of heavy precipitation and temperature in areas where thunderstorms were observed. The Piercy–Obukhov coefficient for forecasting intense precipitation using the proposed procedure increases from 0.26 to 0.40.


data assimilation, thunderstorm, convective precipitation, WRF-ARW model, lightning detection network



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